Ours is a philosophy that nurtures talented and outstanding individuals by providing them with challenging and rewarding opportunities to help them...
Student Level: a Polytechnic Student, an 'A' Level / IB / NUS High Student
Nationality: Singapore Citizen
Tenable Universities / Institutions: NAFA, NTU, NUS, SIT, SMU, SUSS, SUTD
Term: Mid & Full Term
Locations: Singapore

OCBC was the first bank in Singapore to launch its own Artificial Intelligence (AI) unit in 2018 called AI Lab, through an initial investment of S$...
Student Level: a University Student, a Master's Student
Nationality: Singapore Citizen, Singapore PR, Other Citizen
Tenable Universities / Institutions: NTU, NUS, SMU
Term: Mid & Full Term
Locations: Singapore

The OCBC Regional Scholarship supports the scholar's overseas study outside of his/her country of citizenship in Singapore, China, Hong Kong or Tai...
Student Level: a University Student
Nationality: Singapore Citizen, Other Citizen
Tenable Universities / Institutions: NTU, NUS, SMU, SUSS, SUTD
Term: Mid Term
Locations: Singapore, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan