
Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore

The Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS) acts as an agent of the government, providing services in the administration of taxes and enterprise disbursements. We represent Singapore internationally on matters relating to taxation and provide advice on property valuation to the Government.

IRAS has been making significant strides in transforming taxpayers' and staff experiences, by leveraging on analytics, design and digitalisation. However, transformation is a continuous process to improve the way we deliver outcomes, taking into account the changes in our environment.

More than functioning as the custodian for the nation's taxes, you can look forward to a career with dynamic and varied exposure, career development opportunities and a constant pursuit of innovation.

IRAS Overseas Undergraduate Scholarship

a Polytechnic Student, an 'A' Level / IB / NUS High Student

Singapore Citizen, Singapore PR

March 31, 2025

Tenable Universities / Institutions
Course of Study
Bond Period
Value of Awards