
The Singapore Police Force

The Singapore Police Force (SPF) is a uniformed organisation under the purview of the Ministry of Home Affairs. The mission of the SPF is to prevent, deter and detect crime to ensure the safety and security of Singapore.

This is done through its focus on the 5 broad areas of Police work - Frontline Policing, Counter and E-services, Investigation, Community Engagement and Public Security & Order.

Our Mission - To prevent, deter and detect crime. Our Vision - A Force for the Nation – To Make Singapore the Safest Place in the World

SPF Recruitment Video

The Singapore Police Force Scholarship (SPFS)

a Polytechnic Student, an 'A' Level / IB / NUS High Student, Any Other Year 12 Equivalent Qualifications Student, a University Student, Other High-School Diploma / Certificate Holder

Singapore Citizen

Application Cycle Closed

Tenable Universities / Institutions
Course of Study
Bond Period
Value of Awards