We would like to invite Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents; intending to take up Singapore Citizenship and with outstanding academic achiev...
Student Level: a Polytechnic Student
Nationality: Singapore Citizen, Singapore PR
Tenable Universities / Institutions: Renowned Overseas Universities
Term: Full Term
Locations: Australia

We would like to invite interested professionals and graduates to apply for the NParks Postgraduate Scholarships. Scholars can choose to pursue t...
Student Level: a University Student, a Master's Student
Nationality: Singapore Citizen, Singapore PR
Tenable Universities / Institutions: Renowned Overseas Universities
Term: Full Term
Locations: Australia, Canada, UK, USA

We would like to invite Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents; intending to take up Singapore Citizenship and with outstanding academic achiev...
Student Level: an 'A' Level / IB / NUS High Student
Nationality: Singapore Citizen, Singapore PR
Tenable Universities / Institutions: NTU, NUS, Renowned Overseas Universities
Term: Full Term
Locations: Singapore, Overseas