Page 4 - Scholarship Guide Feb 2019
P. 4

2                                             PUBLISHER’S NOTE

          Publisher                 2019 marks Scholarship Guide’s 21st anniversary. We trace our roots
          David Phey
                                    back to 1998 when we became one of the first publishers to provide
          Editorial Board
          Wu Xueting & Ivy Chan     reliable information on matters pertaining to scholarships. Over the
          Marketing                 years, we have gained vast experience in this area and aspire to
          Francis Ng & Daryl Lee
                                    continue sharing that knowledge.
          Shannon Lim                    First of all, we would like to congratulate the many parents, students,
          Circulation               teachers and scholarship providers, who have connected and grown
          John Wee
                                    through our media. We are honoured that you have trusted our magazine
          Printed By
          Times Printers Pte Ltd    to be your foremost source of reference and guide.

                                         2019 will prove to be yet another great year for all of us here
                                    at Scholarship Guide as we continuously work towards developing
                                    and improving our magazine, together with an integrated one-stop

                                    scholarship portal. The new year will see a more holistic support for
                                    students who are looking for more.
                                         The magazine will continue to be an easy and comprehensive guide
                                    to facilitate your decision in selecting the right scholarship. But the new,

                                    clean and trendier layout will feature various organisations that are on
                                    the look-out for talents that can make a difference in their company.
                                    There will also be in-depth interviews with current and former scholars
                                    who will share their scholarship journey as well as give valuable advice

                                    which can benefit you.
                                         The portal is your go-to place to help find the right provider, search
                                    and apply for relevant scholarships as well as track and monitor your

          @ Scholarship Guide Pte Ltd  scholarships. This saves you much valuable time. We will also provide
          Email: info@
   answers to questions such as which universities to enrol at; and what the
          Scholarship Guide is      specific, measurable goals you should set in your career path.
          published twice a year
          by Scholarship Guide Pte       To ensure that we understand your needs and can thus provide you
          Ltd for free distribution
          to the students who are   with the necessary information on the portal, we conducted surveys that
          doing or have completed
          their ‘A’ Level or IB exams.   asked pertinent questions such as how students search on the internet;
          It is also available at all
          tertiary institutions and   what kind of information they would like to access online, availability of
          to education-relation
          personnel.                scholarships, etc. This new portal will help fill in the information gaps.

          The views and opinions         Do look out for more exciting events coming your way as we will be
          expressed or implied in
          the Scholarship Guide are   spreading our wings at schools’ career fairs. We look forward to going on
          those of the writers and are
          not necessarily those of the   new adventures with you.
          publisher. While reasonable
          care is taken to ensure the      From all of us at the Scholarship Guide, we wish you all the best.
          accuracy of matter printed,
          no responsibility can be
          accepted thereof.
          All rights reserved.           David Phey, Publisher
          No part of this publication
          may be reproduced, stored
          in a retrieval system, or
          transmitted, in any form or
          by means without the prior
          permission of the publisher.
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