Page 108 - Scholarship Guide Feb 2020
P. 108

106                                          TABLE OF SCHOLARSHIPS

                            Ministry of Defence  Ministry of Defence  Ministry of Defence  Ministry of Defence  Ministry of Defence  Ministry of Education Ministry of Education  Ministry of Education
       Company /
       Organisations         SAF Medicine   Local Dentistry   SAF Academic   SAF Academic   SAF Engineering   Public Service   Education Merit   MOE Teaching
       Scholarship            Scholarship  Scholarship  Award  Award     Award     Commission   Scholarship  Scholarship
       Website                                      – Pilot   – Combat             Scholarship
                            scholar.mindef. scholar.mindef. – Weapons Systems   – Service  scholar.mindef. (Teaching Service)
                                                  OfǠ cer / Fighter  – Psychology
                                                                                 (Administered by
                                                 scholar.mindef. scholar.mindef.  PSC)

        Any Discipline
     Disciplines   & Courses  Preferred Disciplines  Med  Dent  disciplines *43  disciplines *44  Eng / Sc *45  Most teaching  Most teaching  Most teaching
                                                                                                        subjects in JC
                                                                                   subjects in JC
                                                                                             subjects in JC
                                                                                    & sec sch  & sec sch  & sec sch
        NUS, NTU                          NUS
     Tenable Universities  & Institutions  Polytechnics / Institutions              Masters
        SMU, SUTD, SIT
        Renowned Overseas Universities
        SpeciǠ c Countries

        No Bond
     Bond  Bond for Local Studies (yrs)  6 *41  5 *42  6        4          4         4          4          4
        Bond for Overseas Studies (yrs)                                            6, NESC - 5  6, NESC - 5  6, NESC - 5
        Lump Sum ($)
        Tuition Fees
        Exam Fees
        Hostel Fees
        Monthly Allowance ($)
        Yearly Allowance ($)
     BeneǠ  ts and value of awards  One-Time Return Airfare (osea)
        Other Return Airfare (osea)
        Settling Allowance (osea)
        Excess Baggage (osea)
        Clothing Allowance (osea)
        Medical Insurance (osea)
        Book Allowance ($)
        Computer Loan / Grant ($)
        Attachment During Vacation
        Others                                        *43^      *44^       *45^    OEP, Masters  OEP, Masters  OEP, Masters
        Singapore Citizen
        Singapore PR
        Other Citizens
        Excellent ‘A’ Level/IB/NUS High                                              10 au     10 au      10 au
        Excellent ‘O’ Level
     Requirements & Conditions  Excellent CCA
        Poly Dip Holders May Apply
        Proven Leadership
        Undergrads May Apply
        Completed NS (Male)
        Others              Qualify for and excel  Qualify for and excel   Qualify for OCS,   Qualify for OCS,   Qualify for OCS/
                               in OCS     in OCS  strong interest in   strong interest in   Military Domain
                                                   military career  military career  Expert course, strong
                                                                         interest in
                                                                        military Eng career

        *43 *44                                               *41 *42
           Applicants intending to pursue a degree in Law will not be called to the Bar while serving in the SAF  Bond suspension during periods of special training and hospital postings
         *43^ *44^  *45^                                         Also military academies
           Opportunity for sponsorship of overseas programme and Masters  *45  Chem Eng, Civil Eng, Cp Eng, EEE, Mech Eng (list is not exhaustive)
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