Page 114 - Scholarship Guide Feb 2020
P. 114

112                                          TABLE OF SCHOLARSHIPS

                               Nanyang   Nanyang    Nanyang   Nanyang    Nanyang    Nanyang   National Arts Council  National Council of
       Company /              Technological   Technological   Technological   Technological   Technological   Technological   Social Service
       Organisations          University  University  University  University  University  University   NAC Arts
       Scholarship                                                                           Scholarship   Social Service
       Website               LKCMedicine   LKY-STEP Award  Sim Yung Chong   Toh Kian Chui   University   Wee Cho Yaw   (Undergraduate)  Scholarship
                              Scholarship        Medical Scholarship  Scholarship  Engineering   Future Leaders
                                                    Scholarship  Award

        Any Discipline
     Disciplines   & Courses  Preferred Disciplines  Med  Med  Med      Tech-related          Art-related  Speech / Occ /Physio

        NUS, NTU                NTU                  NTU       NTU       SUTD SIT    NTU                SMU SIT SUSS
     Tenable Universities  & Institutions  Polytechnics / Institutions
        SMU, SUTD, SIT
        Renowned Overseas Universities
        SpeciǠ c Countries

        No Bond
     Bond  Bond for Local Studies (yrs)  5            5         5          4                   2 to 3      4
        Bond for Overseas Studies (yrs)                                                        2 to 3      6
        Lump Sum ($)                      3.5K       15K
        Tuition Fees                                                                          max 110K
        Exam Fees
        Hostel Fees                                                                                        (local)
        Monthly Allowance ($)   6K                              6K        5.8K       12K
        Yearly Allowance ($)
     BeneǠ  ts and value of awards  One-Time Return Airfare (osea)
        Other Return Airfare (osea)
        Settling Allowance (osea)
        Excess Baggage (osea)
        Clothing Allowance (osea)
        Medical Insurance (osea)
        Book Allowance ($)     $500 / yr                      $500 / yr
        Computer Loan / Grant ($)  1.5K (once-off)                      2K (once-off)
        Attachment During Vacation
        Others                                                                    $16K overseas alw       OEP
        Singapore Citizen
        Singapore PR
        Other Citizens
        Excellent ‘A’ Level/IB/NUS High
        Excellent ‘O’ Level               Merit                           Merit
     Requirements & Conditions  Excellent CCA
        Poly Dip Holders May Apply
        Proven Leadership
        Undergrads May Apply
        Completed NS (Male)
        Others                Outstanding   SIT (Poly-FSI)    Outstanding   Outstanding   For Poly dip holders   Outstanding   Good track record in   Interest in the social
                             community svc,   qualiǠ cations also   community svc,   community svc,   in Eng or tech-related   community svc,   the Arts; excellent   service sector
                            leadership or sports  accepted  leadership; from   leadership or sports;   courses  leadership or sports;   grades in latest
                                                  low income family;   from low income   from low income   qualiǠ cation
                                                 Mandarin-speaking  family          family
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