Page 128 - Scholarship Guide Feb 2020
P. 128

126                                          TABLE OF SCHOLARSHIPS

                              Singapore   Singapore   Singapore National   Singapore   Singapore Press   Singapore Telecom-  Singapore Tourism   Singapore University
       Company /              Management   Management   Co-operative   Power  Holdings  munication Ltd  Board  of Social Sciences
       Organisations          University  University  Federation
       Scholarship                                            SP Group   SPH Journalism   Singtel   STB Scholarship  Singapore
       Website                SMU Merit   Yip Pin Xiu   SNCF Co-operative   Scholarship  Scholarship (Local /   Undergraduate   University of
                              Scholarship   Scholarship  Scholarship     Overseas)  Scholarship  Social Sciences
                              Programme                                         Scholarship
                               scholarship                                         Undergraduate)

        Any Discipline                                                                                  Except Law
     Disciplines   & Courses  Preferred Disciplines  Acc BizMgt Econ   Mech Eng  Dent, Pharm, Arch   Most except Dent,   Biz Ad Mgt Econ
                                                               Elec Eng
                                                                       Most except Med,
                                                                                  Law, Med, Music,
                                                                                  Biomed, Design
                                                 Mass Comm /Comm          & Law   & Env, Education,   Hospitality&Tourism
                                                  & New Media Stat                  Sports Sc  Mgt Int Relations
        NUS, NTU               SMU        SMU                             SMU                  SMU        SUSS
     Tenable Universities  & Institutions  Polytechnics / Institutions
        SMU, SUTD, SIT
        Renowned Overseas Universities
                                                                                               UK USA
        SpeciǠ c Countries
                                                                                            Fra Ger Jap Chi Ind
        No Bond
     Bond  Bond for Local Studies (yrs)             Up to 4     4          4          *182      4
        Bond for Overseas Studies (yrs)                                    6                  6, NESC - 5
        Lump Sum ($)            12K        12K
        Tuition Fees
        Exam Fees
        Hostel Fees                                 Up to 3.5K
        Monthly Allowance ($)                       Up to 3.5K
        Yearly Allowance ($)
     BeneǠ  ts and value of awards  One-Time Return Airfare (osea)
        Other Return Airfare (osea)
        Settling Allowance (osea)
        Excess Baggage (osea)
        Clothing Allowance (osea)
        Medical Insurance (osea)
        Book Allowance ($)
        Computer Loan / Grant ($)                   Up to 3K
        Attachment During Vacation                                                             10 wks
        Others                  OEP       OEP                   OEP                          OEP, Masters
        Singapore Citizen
        Singapore PR
        Other Citizens
        Excellent ‘A’ Level/IB/NUS High
        Excellent ‘O’ Level
     Requirements & Conditions  Excellent CCA     with 2 more yrs left             2nd last yr
        Poly Dip Holders May Apply
        Proven Leadership
        Undergrads May Apply
        Completed NS (Male)
        Others               Good record of   Outstanding   Financially needy   Strong language skills
                            community service   Singaporean athlete  preferred

        *182  One year bond for every year of sponsorship
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