Page 32 - Scholarship Guide Feb 2020
P. 32

30                                     DIVESH S/O SINGARAJU

          What are the qualities you        What career and
          have that you believe landed      developmental opportunities
          you the scholarship?              does the scholarship offer its
          I believe the following two qualities   scholars?
          were key in allowing me to be awarded   The scholarship provides scholars with the
          the scholarship. Firstly, professionalism;   opportunity to take up internships in various
          the ability to confi dently  communicate   departments of the organisation prior to the
          and provide insightful and constructive   actual commencement of work. This exposes
          contributions to discussions. The second   them to different projects handled within the
          quality would be passion towards learning   company, providing  fi rst-hand experience in
          and asking questions; having the enthusiasm,   understanding the airline industry and working
          determination and focus to be challenged in   culture in SIA. Networking opportunities with
          different new projects and to conscientiously   peers and senior management are available to
          work to deliver quality results.   provide additional avenues for guidance and   SIA-SINDA Overseas Scholarship
                                            advice when needed.                   Divesh s/o Singaraju
                                            What advice do you have for           27
                                            those interested in the SIA
                                            scholarship?                          Attained
                                                                                  Master of Engineering
                                            The airline industry is very diverse with   (Aeronautical Engineering)
                                            endless opportunities to learn and grow.   Imperial College London
                                            The ability to constantly adapt and evolve
                                            with the ever-changing industry is crucial.   Now
                                            Determination and creativity are also key   Chief Product Owner
                                            in today’s exciting times. Individuals should   Customer Services Data Analytics (CSDA) squad
                                            constantly challenge themselves to come up
                                            with fresh and innovative ideas and solutions,   From
                                            based on the skills and domain knowledge   Singapore Polytechnic
                                            expertise acquired within the company.

                                            Tell us about your job. What do
                                            you love about it?
                                            My job involves managing the airport
                                            self-service touchpoints (check-in kiosks,
                                            automated bag drops and self-boarding
                                            gates) at all our operating stations. This
                                            includes the introduction of new initiatives
                                            and enhancements, where I actively
                                            communicate and coordinate with airports,
                                            ground handling teams, station managers and
                                            touchpoint vendors, to ensure that our day-
                                            to-day operations are not affected.

                                            What I love about my job is how closely I
                                            get to work with technology and how it is
                                            not heavily desk bound. Being a technical
                                            enabler for airport operations, I spend a large
                                            amount of time testing new enhancements,
                                            investigating issues and fl ying to our overseas
                                            stations to implement new self-service
                                            products. Attending aviation conferences and
                                            participating in project groups to plan for the
                                            future of aviation allows me to acquire more
                                            knowledge and exposure, making my overall
                                            job interesting and defi nitely rewarding.
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