Page 8 - Scholarship Guide Feb 2020
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          12                       23                        61                       63

          OVERVIEW: Scholarships And   How To Cope With Failure And   What Is A Psychometric Test   To Be Or Not To Be A Graduate
          Financial Assistance     Rejection                 And Why Are Employers Looking   Intern
                                                             At It?

          76                       79                        86                       90

          How To Politely Decline After   How To Ace Your Scholarship   Top Reasons To Join The   Choosing The Right University
          Accepting A Job Offer    Essay                     Environmental Stream     Course

          ADVERTISEMENTS                                                FRONT COVER

          Building Construction Authority (BCA)   45
          Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS)    27
          Housing Development Board (HDB)      49
          MINDEF Scholarship Centre (MSC)      1, 3, 10-11, 101, 103, 105, 107
          Ministry of National Development (MND)    34-39, 41
          Nanyang Technological University (NTU)    88-89, 91
          National Institute of Education (NIE)   77
          National Parks Board (NParks)        53
          National University of Singapore (NUS)     83
          NEW Scholarship                      65-69
          NTUC First Campus (NFC)              31                       (from left to right):
          Our Army                             119, 121-122
          Republic of Singapore Air Force (RSAF)   5                    Tan Jing Ying
                                                                        BCA Undergraduate Scholarship
          Republic of Singapore Navy (RSN)     IFC, IBC                 Chia Li Shen, Shawn
          Sembcorp Industries Ltd              21                       NParks Undergraduate Scholarship
          Singapore Airlines (SIA)             29                       Rachel Liu Yunyann
          Smart Nation Scholarship             OBC                      MND EDGE Undergraduate Scholarship
          Urban Redevelopment Authority of Singapore (URA)   59         Jason Cheong Tze-Shenn
                                                                        URA Undergraduate Scholarship
          IFC=Inside Front Cover, IBC=Inside Back Cover, OBC=Outside Back Cover  Tan Jin Kiet Zacary
                                                                        HDB Undergraduate Scholarship
                                                                        Rebecca Lee Mei Hui
                                                                        NParks Undergraduate Scholarship
   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13