Page 11 - Scholarship Guide Feb 2019
P. 11
“While technology
can be used to
tackle many
grand challenges,
it’s just as crucial
to focus on
the day-to-day
problems faced
by citizens.”
A MIX OF LEGACY AND AGILE engineering involved. … But the impact [of]
Singapore’s digitalisation journey started 40 years on the daily lives of citizens in Singapore is so signifi-
ago. Naturally, there are components of the govern- cant that everybody remembers it,” he said.
ment’s IT systems that are dated, said Dr. Puthu-
cheary. But going forward, things are not as simple as RE-ENGINEERING REGULATION
‘out with the old and in with the new’. Much of the discussion about government digital ser-
“We do have a whole bunch of legacy systems … vices has revolved around the re-engineering of back-
but those things have allowed us to become who we end processes and IT infrastructure. Dr. Puthucheary
are today—wired, connected, with a highly digitally- noted that “policy and regulatory re-engineering” are
literate population and in a position of confidence to also necessary.
have these big dreams for the future,” he explained. “As a result of having to [create the code] for a
Hence, he emphasised that it was important to service, you’re going to have to modify policies and
reinforce systems that have served the nation well, governmental processes as well,” he said.
learn from past mistakes, and introduce elements of Rather than cling on to rules that may stymie
agile development into the government’s workflow. further innovation and efficiency in a digital age, the
Singapore government is looking to evolve policies
PICK THE RIGHT PAIN POINTS to suit the needs of the present and pave the way
While technology can be used to tackle many grand for the future.
challenges, it’s just as crucial to focus on the day-to-
day problems faced by citizens. Dr. Puthucheary high- TALENT AS A TWO-WAY STREET
lighted the mobile app as an example of Behind every mobile app or digital service is a team of
how even small projects can have a big positive effect. developers striving to create useful and user-friendly
Whereas in the past, citizens would be fined if solutions. Talent is a critical ingredient for Smart Na-
they did not display enough coupons to cover the du- tions, and Dr. Puthucheary observed that the flow of
ration of their parking, they can now extend parking people between the public and private sectors should
sessions using their mobile phones. be encouraged.
“We’ve put up so many projects which are much “[The government] should be hiring from the
larger in terms of funding, reach and the amount of private sector, not to cannibalise talent, but to give
people opportunities … to face challenges that they
would not have otherwise experienced in the private
sector,” he said. “And when they return to the private
sector, they will be better off for it. The whole ecosys-
tem of talent and opportunity will grow.”
Singapore is not alone in trying to solve problems
such as congestion and pollution. Many other cit-
ies across the globe are struggling with the same
urban issues. Therefore, the solutions pioneered in
Singapore can be viewed as exportable assets, said
Dr. Puthucheary.
“The [innovations developed to solve our prob-
lems] here are applicable, transferable and deploy-
able across the world if we get them right,” he ex-
plained. “By choosing to solve these big problems, The above article was first
published on
we think that there is an opportunity to deal with Photos courtesy of
some real, significant issues around the world at the Government Technology
same time.” Agency.