Page 16 - Scholarship Guide Feb 2019
P. 16

14                                              CHIAM SHIQI

          “For those who            Why did you choose the scholarship?
                                    Where do you see yourself in 5 years’ time?
          are unsure                Who or what influenced you most to take
                                    up this scholarship?
          of where their          Since I was young, my passion has always revolved
          passion lies,           around the healthcare sector. One of the biggest de-
                                  termining factors of why I decided to become a podia-
          exploring the           trist was my grandmother. My grandmother had lived

          different fields        with diabetes for many years and I grew up witnessing
                                  how her condition had deteriorated throughout the
          through job             years - from having an innocent foot infection to finally
                                  having to amputate her toes. Throughout the years,
          shadowing               I accompanied her to follow-ups with the podiatrist
          will be a good          regarding her wound management and that is how I
                                  came to know about Podiatry. Ever since then, I have
          way to start.           aspired to be like them. When I chanced upon the   What are the most challenging responsibilities
                                  Healthcare Merit Award Scholarship offered by MOH
                                                                               you have and how do you cope with them?
          Ultimately,             Holdings (MOHH), I was elated as I was able to pur-  One of the challenges I faced as a health student
                                  sue the study of my dreams! Given that Podiatry is not
                                                                            studying  abroad  is  the  difference  in  education  sys-
          nothing beats           a course available in Singapore, taking up the schol-  tems. As I was so used to studying mainly theories
          first-hand              arship would allow me to pursue my studies without   in Singapore, I struggled during clinical sessions as
                                                                            I had to observe a physical condition, analyse and
                                  having  to  worry  about  the  financial  aspects.  In  five
          experience.”            years’ time, I see myself working towards becoming   give an on-the-spot diagnosis. From this, I learnt that
                                  a senior podiatrist, forging good relations with my col-
                                                                            a condition can manifest in different forms and what
                                  leagues and other allied health professionals, as well   the textbook teaches you does not always correlate
                                  as helping raise awareness for Podiatry in Singapore.  with  the  physical  observations.  Hence,  I  collated  a
                                                                            series  of  manifestations  which  could  arise  from  a
                                    What do you think makes the scholarship stand   clinical condition and attempted to list every possible
                                    out from the other scholarships on the market?   diagnosis when I see a patient. Some of my diagnosis
                                    What fundamental questions did you have in   may not be accurate, but I have learnt that it is all right
                                    mind to make the comparisons needed for    to make mistakes now. Making mistakes is also a way
                                    your decision?                          of learning, as I will learn something new when my su-
                                  One of the most obvious reasons why the scholar-  pervisor corrects me for an inappropriate diagnosis. I
                                  ship  offered  by  MOHH  particularly  stood out  to me   believe that with more experience and exposure, I will
                                  was  because  Podiatry  is  a  niche  field  and  very  few   be more proficient in giving an accurate diagnosis.
                                  organisations provide scholarships for it. Addition-
                                  ally, it is a full-term scholarship which would relieve   What are your interests?
                                  a  huge  financial  burden  off  me  and  my  family.  This   How do you balance it with your studies?
                                  would allow me to focus more on my studies instead   I am an active member of taekwondo and I train up to
                                  of worrying about the hefty amounts of school fees.   two times a week. With an extra co-curricular activity,
                                  Moreover, I felt that the scholarship would provide me   having priorities and time management are essential.
                                  with ample opportunities for personal and profession-  Hence, I try to minimise my time spent on social me-
                                  al development – MOHH supports scholars to attend   dia and make use of the time between classes and
                                  conferences, seminars and workshops to gain greater   on the bus to study. Honestly, there are times when
                                  insights of their profession and participate in com-  I am really worn out from juggling between the two
                                  munity involvement programmes to give back to the   and would lose motivation but thankfully, I am lucky
                                  society. Lastly, I feel that the scholarship values every   enough to have a group of friends who are ready for
                                  individual scholar, as each one of us is assigned to a   impromptu meet-ups which lift my spirits up!
                                  scholarship officer to guide us in this journey, whom
                                  we could turn to in times of need. All in all, these are   What qualities are essential to have if
                                  the factors I have taken into consideration before de-  a student is interested in the scholarship?
                                  ciding that the scholarship offered by MOHH is the   Passion, diligence and resilience are some quali-
                                  most appealing one.                       ties essential for students who are interested in the
                                                                            scholarship. More often than not, passion is the main
          Chiam ShiQi               What do you think are your strengths    driving force in the pursuit of one’s goal. I feel that
          Healthcare Merit Award    that land you the scholarship?          with passion, anyone will give it their best, enjoy what
                                  I have always been a believer in the value of experi-  they do, and eventually perform well. For those who
          Age: 24                 ential learning. During my last year in Temasek Poly-  are unsure of where their passion lies, exploring the
                                  technic, there was a module called Haematology   different fields through job shadowing will be a good
          Diploma in Biomedical   which  piqued  my  interest.  I  was  interested  in  find-  way to start. Ultimately, nothing beats first-hand expe-
          Science, Temasek        ing out more about this topic and hence took up a    rience. There is no doubt this journey is going to be
          Polytechnic             phlebotomy course. To further relate the knowledge   tedious but with hard work and diligence, anyone can
                                  I have previously learnt in Polytechnic, I went on to   pull through. Being resilient is another important qual-
          Now:                    work as a part-time phlebotomist. My ability to apply   ity. Most of the health disciplines offered by MOHH
          Year 2, Queensland      what I have learnt into my job is perhaps why I was   are specialised fields and they tend to be pretty inten-
          University of Technology,
          Bachelor of Podiatry    chosen for this scholarship.              sive. There are bound to be times when you struggle
                                                                            and feel demoralised, but you need to persevere and
          From:                                                             overcome these challenges because at the end of the
          Temasek Polytechnic                                               day, that is how everyone grows.
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