Page 24 - Scholarship Guide Feb 2019
P. 24


                                                                               Imagine for a moment you lost your job. An emo-
                                                                            tionally intelligent person might perceive their emo-
                                                                            tions as cues to take action, both to deal with the chal-
                                                                            lenges and to control their thoughts and feelings.
                                                                               But someone with poor emotional skills might
                                                                            ruminate on their job loss, come to think of
                                                                            themselves as hopelessly unemployable, and spiral
                                                                            into depression.
                                                                               YOU CAN MODIFY YOUR EMOTIONS
                                                                            Of course, there are times when your feelings can get
                                                                            the better of you, but if you are an emotionally intel-
                                                                            ligent person, it is likely that when this happens you
                                                                            have the skills needed to modify your emotions.
                                                                               For example, while average levels of anxiety can
                                                                            improve cognitive performance – probably by increas-
                                                                            ing focus and motivation – too much anxiety can block
                                                                            cognitive achievement.
                                                                               So knowing how to find the sweet spot, between
                                                                            too much and too little anxiety, can be a useful tool.
                                  Emotional  intelligence  can  mean  the  difference  be-     It is clear that moderation is the key when it
                                  tween behaving in a socially acceptable way and   comes to managing our emotions. Emotionally intel-
                                  being considered to be way out of line. While most   ligent people know this and have the skills to modify
                                  people will have heard of emotional intelligence, not   their emotions appropriately.
                                  many people really know how to spot it – in them-     And this is probably why emotional intelligence
                                  selves or in others.                      has been shown to be related to lower levels of anxiety.
                                     Emotional intelligence is essentially the way you
                                  perceive, understand, express, and manage emo-  YOU CAN PUT YOURSELF IN
                                  tions. And it’s important because the more you un-  OTHER PEOPLE’S SHOES
                                  derstand these aspects of yourself, the better your   If you are able to extend these skills beyond your own
                                  mental health and social behaviour will be.  personal functioning, then that’s another sign that
                                     It might be these are things you do without even   you have high levels of emotional intelligence.
                                  really thinking – which can be the case for a lot of peo-     Emotional intelligence can be particularly impor-
                                  ple. Or it might be that these are skills you know you   tant in workplaces that require heavy “emotional la-
                                  need to work on.                          bour” – where workers must manage their emotions
                                     Either way, improved emotional intelligence can   according to organisational rules.
                                  be very useful in all sorts of circumstances – be it in      This can include customer service jobs, where
                                  work, at home, in school, or even when you’re just so-  workers may need to sympathise with customers – de-
                                  cialising with your friends.              spite the fact that customers may be yelling at them.
                                     So if you want to know if you’re emotionally intel-     This  is  why  workplace  emotional  intelligence
                                  ligent, simply check the list below.      training  is  now  common  –  with  the  most  effective
                                                                            training focusing on management and expression of
                                    YOU THINK ABOUT YOUR REACTIONS          emotions, which are directly linked to communication
                                  Emotional  intelligence  can  mean  the  difference  be-  and job performance.
                                  tween a good reaction and a bad reaction to circum-     It’s also worth pointing out that emotional intel-
                                  stances. Emotions can contain important information   ligence is a cognitive ability that can improve across
                                  that can be useful to personal and social functioning   your lifespan. So if you haven’t recognised much of
                                  – but sometimes these emotions can also overwhelm   yourself in the traits listed above, fear not, there’s still
                                  us, and make us act in ways we would rather not.  time for you to work on your emotional intelligence.
                                     People who lack emotional intelligence are more
                                  likely to just react, without giving themselves the time
                                  to weigh up the pros and cons of a situation and really
                                  thinking things through.
                                     People who are less able to regulate their
                                  negative  feelings are also more likely to have dif-
                                  ficulty  functioning  socially  –  which  can  exacerbate
                                  depressive feelings.
                                     People with major depression have been shown
                                  to have difficulties understanding and managing their
                                  emotions. And research has also shown that more
                                  depressive  symptoms are present in people with
                                  lower emotional intelligence – even if they are not
                                  clinically depressed.
                                    YOU SEE SITUATIONS AS A CHALLENGE
                                  If you are able to recognise negative emotions in your-
          The above article is written
          by Jose M. Mestre &     self and see difficult situations as a challenge – focus-
          Kimberley A. Barchard for   ing on the positives and persevering – chances are
    that you’ve got high emotional intelligence.
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