Page 27 - Scholarship Guide Feb 2019
P. 27

KEVAN KONG                                              25

                 Why did you choose the NEW scholarship?
              I was a very active boy growing up and would always
              spend a lot of time outdoors playing sports. There
              was once when I forgot to bring my water bottle and I
              got very thirsty. I started wondering what could hap-
              pen if our reservoirs were to dry up, and our nation ex-
              perienced a water shortage. It was then that I began
              to develop an interest in the water industry. In sec-
              ondary school, I always looked forward to Geography
              lessons where I would learn about issues related to
              water sanitation, and water and land constraints. As
              a small country, Singapore has limited space to col-
              lect rain water. As such, we invested in technology to
              produce NEWater and desalination to meet our wa-
              ter  demands.  When  I  was  considering  the  different
              scholarships offered by various companies and gov-
              ernment  ministries,  the  NEW  Scholarship  attracted
              my interest because PUB manages the water system
              in Singapore. I believe that PUB will be a good place
              for me to gain exposure and utilise my knowledge and
              skills to help ensure Singapore’s water sustainability.
                 What do you think makes the scholarship
                 stand out from the other scholarships on
                 the market?
              The NEW Scholarship offers many opportunities for
              scholars to be exposed to the different areas within   tion systems, which enabled me to become a better
              the environmental and water sector. For example,   student when I returned to my home university.
              PUB arranges site visits for scholars to its plants,      When we start working, PUB encourages officers
              operation centres and Waterhub, to help us better    to continue to gain knowledge and exposure to differ-
              understand and appreciate Singapore’s water supply   ent areas of water management through on-the-job
              and reclamation systems. I also had the chance to be   training, job rotation in the various departments, and
              involved in the Singapore  International Water Week   participation in overseas study trips and conferences.
              (SIWW), where I learned about new and cutting-edge   PUB also offers sponsorships for further studies, so
              technologies used by different countries to improve   we can continue to learn as we progress in our career.
              water quality and supply. In addition, a mentor is
              assigned to every scholar, which is very helpful be-  What gives you the most job satisfaction?
              cause I’d always have a senior from whom I could   I feel that personal growth gives me the greatest job
              seek guidance.                            satisfaction. I believe that everyone is unique and has
                                                        their own set of strengths and weaknesses. Some
                 What kinds of career and personal      people may excel in one area more than others, while
                 development opportunities does your    struggling in some other aspects. When I just started
                 company provide its scholars?          working, I realised that I have to work with colleagues,
              PUB believes in lifelong learning, and so places much   each of whom have different working styles. I had to
              emphasis on training and growth development for all   learn to be adaptable to changes and multi-task. When
              its staff. I did my Student Exchange Program at the re-  I was a student, I could just focus on completing one
              nowned Indian university, Indian Institute of Technol-  task at a time. However, my job now requires me to be
              ogy Bombay (IITB). It was an unforgettable semester   able to manage several situations at any point of time
              experiencing learning from a very different education   while working on a project. Initially, it was very chal-
              system. I also completed a Summer Exchange Pro-  lenging to keep up with the pace. With support from
              gram at Universitat Kassel in Germany, which was   my teammates, I learnt that it is important to keep an
              a once in a lifetime opportunity because I had the   open mind, be willing to make changes along the way
              chance to stay with a German host family in the coun-  and seek help from others. To me, the greatest chal-
              tryside. I learned about different cultures and educa-  lenge is overcoming your own weaknesses. That is   Kong Kai Weng Kevan
                                                                                                   National Environment &
                                                        the only way for one to continuously improve in order   Water (NEW) Scholarship
                                                        to take on greater responsibilities in the future.
                                                                                                   Age: 25
             “I see the scholarship                        What qualities are essential to have if a    Attained:
                                                           student is interested in the scholarship?
              beyond just a sponsorship                 It is important to understand the vision of the organi-  Bachelor of Engineering
                                                                                                   (Mechanical Engineering),
              with a bond term. Instead, it             zation as well as your roles and responsibilities when   National University
                                                        you want to apply for a scholarship. Your passion and
                                                                                                   of Singapore
              is an opportunity for personal            interest for your job is very important. I see the schol-  Now:
                                                        arship beyond just a sponsorship with a bond term.
              growth and development                    Instead, it is an opportunity for personal growth and   Engineer
                                                                                                   PUB, Singapore’s
                                                        development and eventually contribute back to our
              and eventually contribute                 society. It is also important to keep an open mind and   National Water Agency
              back to our society.”                     have the willingness to learn. These qualities are es-  From:
                                                        sential if you are interested in the NEW scholarship.
                                                                                                   Singapore Polytechnic
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