Page 44 - Scholarship Guide Feb 2019
P. 44

42                                            TEOH MENG WEE

                                    REAPING THE BENEFITS                    ing a Code of Governance for Town Councils that will
                                  During the year-long postgraduate programme, she   set out principles of good governance and highlight
                                  had the opportunity to study pressing governmental   best practices that can guide the Town Councils
                                  issues alongside passionate course mates who en-  in  better  executing  their  fiduciary  responsibilities.
                                  gaged in lively discussions, challenged norms, and   Besides this, as part of ensuring Town Councils’ ac-
                                  afforded her broader perspectives on present issues.   countability to the residents, MND issues the Town
                                     Meng Wee also undertook a governance study in   Council Management Report annually which cov-
                                  Jakarta on issues related to landfills, their impact on   ers Town Councils’ performance in five key areas of
                                  the city, and how to reduce waste. Together with her   estate management. We are in the process of review-
                                  course mates, she learned that there are many pos-  ing the performance indicators and methodology to
                                  sible creative solutions around challenging situations   see how they can be further improved,” Meng Wee
                                  in a different environment from Singapore. The study   lays out.
                                  helped her realise that there are more ways to impact
                                  lives in a positive manner.                  PRESSING ON TO A BRIGHTER FUTURE
                                                                            With passion and hope, she says that she is looking
                                    APPLYING IT TO DYNAMIC CAREER ROLES     forward to further opportunities as her career pro-
                                  In her current role since returning to MND after her   gresses. “I returned to the Ministry full of ideas and
                                  postgraduate studies, Meng Wee’s job involves prom-  desire to  implement improvements. This meant not
                                  ulgating  good  governance  practices  among  Town   getting easily discouraged and waiting for the right
                                  Councils. “It is something close to my heart since I   opportunity to contribute. Rushing things through
                                  am a HDB dweller myself with a family. I know the im-  is not the solution, and MND is an organisation that
                                  portance of living in a safe, clean and well-maintained   supports its staff in achieving career goals and aspira-
                                  estate,” she explains.                    tions,” she quips.
                                     She goes into deeper details on these objectives.      For aspiring scholars who wish to follow in her
                                  Meng Wee and her colleagues in the Town Councils’   footsteps, she encourages them to take advantage of
                                  team are charged with developing, reviewing, and im-  every opportunity to learn and be humble in the pro-
                                  plementing policies with respect to Town Councils.   cess. She advises diligence, patience, and persever-
                                  “Following the amendments made to the Town Coun-  ance as top qualities that will sustain them and help
                                  cils Act that came into force in 2017, we are develop-  them to succeed at MND.

          Teoh Meng Wee                                                                  “Pursuing further
          MND EDGE Postgraduate
          Scholarship                                                                     education served
          Age: 38                                                                         to continuously
          Attained:                                                                       challenge my mind-
          Master of Public
          Administration, Lee Kuan                                                        set and remove
          Yew School of Public Policy,
          National University of                                                          mental blocks to
                                                                                          be creative and try
          Senior Assistant Director,                                                      different things in an
          Housing (Town Councils)
                                                                                          environment with
          Ngee Ann Polytechnic                                                            likeminded people”
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