Page 47 - Scholarship Guide Feb 2019
P. 47

KELVIN CHEN                                             45

                 What sparked your interest in applying for
                 the AVA Undergraduate Scholarship?
              Ever since secondary school, I have been very pas-
              sionate in biology, as I saw the usefulness and ap-
              plicability to our daily lives, especially when it comes
              to our daily diet. Eventually, as I learned more about
              biology,  I was able  to appreciate other aspects  of
              food,  beyond  just  how  nutrition  and  diet  can  affect
              our health. For example, I was intrigued by how micro-
              biological factors can be beneficial to human health
              and be used to produce certain food products, but,
              at the same time, it can also cause food spoilage
              and even be detrimental to the human health. This
              sparked my interest in food science and made me
              determined to pursue a degree in biological sciences
              and a second major in food sciences with Nanyang
              Technological University.
                 In terms of career, I always knew that I wanted a
              meaningful and fulfilling role, as I personally believe
              this will keep me motivated and passionate in the
              long-term. I was very sure that I wanted to pursue a
              career with Agri-Food & Veterinary Authority (AVA) as
              it meant that I could utilise my knowledge in biology
              and food sciences, both of which I am extremely pas-
              sionate about. Secondly, the nature of work in AVA
              is more application-based and less repetitive as the
              needs of the food industry are ever-changing. Person-  Share with us your internship
              ally, I find this nature of work more captivating as it   experience with AVA.
              constantly challenges me to deal with various prob-  I participated in two internships with AVA, which ex-
              lems, and to apply my knowledge in different scenari-  posed me to a multitude of roles performed by AVA,
              os to address challenges.                 from conducting food inspections to carrying out lab
                 Lastly, I believe that a career with AVA will be very   tests. During my first internship stint, I had the oppor-
              fulfilling as I can use my knowledge to help protect   tunity to observe the work done by AVA’s laboratories,
              consumers and contribute towards ensuring that eve-  which included investigating alleged adulterated food
              ry Singaporean will have a steady and stable supply of   and detecting contaminants in food. Under the guid-
              food for many generations to come.        ance of AVA scientists, I was able to hone my labo-
                                                        ratory testing skills and see in action how specialist
                                                        and reference services are provided to ensure Singa-
                                                        pore’s food safety. In addition, the internship experi-
                                                        ence has also allowed me to better appreciate the
                                                        scientific  concepts  taught  at  university  and  behind
                                                        the tests conducted in the laboratories.

             “The nature of work                           What do you look forward to in your career with
                                                           AVA? What are your hopes for the future?
              in AVA is more                            I am motivated to contribute and make a difference
                                                        in safeguarding public health, and devise innova-
              application-based                         tive solutions to enhance Singapore’s food security,
                                                        ensuring  that  we  have  not  only  sufficient,  but  also
              and less repetitive                       quality food.
                                                            Through my career with AVA, I look forward to
              as the needs of the                         gaining greater insights and a global perspective
              food industry are ever-                   of the food industry. I look forward to learning other
                                                        countries’ best practices and to devise our own in-
              changing. Personally,                     novative solutions to tackle food security challenges
              I find this nature of work                unique to Singapore.                       Chen Yizhan, Kelvin
              more captivating as it                       What advice do you have for those       AVA Undergraduate
                                                           considering a scholarship with AVA?
              constantly challenges                     I believe that the key factor when considering a schol-  Age: 23
                                                        arship is that the mission of the organisation should
              me to deal with various                   resonate  with  the  individual’s  sense  of  fulfilment.  If   Now:
              problems, and to apply                    you  find  purpose  in  serving  the  general  public  and   B.Sc in Biological Sciences
                                                                                                   with 2nd major in Food
                                                        have a passion in tackling food-related challenges,
              my knowledge in                           do not hesitate to apply for the AVA scholarship. Most   Science and Technology,
                                                                                                   Nanyang Technological
                                                        importantly, do not let the thought of interviews faze
              different scenarios to                    you or hold you back. It will seem less daunting if   University, Singapore
              address challenges.”                      you enter the interview room with a “never lose, only   From:
                                                        learn” attitude and try your best! Good luck!
                                                                                                   Anderson Junior College
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