Page 52 - Scholarship Guide Feb 2019
P. 52

50                                            MUHAMMAD HAFIZ

                                                                            ensuring a safe and user-friendly environment. Hafiz
                                                                            believes in going beyond an architect’s standard re-
                                                                            sponsibilities by injecting his designs with flair and
                                                                            aesthetics that tie these aspects together.

                                                                               DESIGNING FOR A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE
                                                                            Hafiz recently completed the design stages of a pro-
                                                                            ject in Dubai, which has since progressed into the
                                                                            construction phase. He was responsible for the lay-
                                                                            out design, coordinating with the engineers and over-
                                                                            seeing the obtainment of the building permit from the
                                                                            local governing body, which was required for actual
                                                                            construction to start.
                                                                                Part of the approval for construction requires the
                                                                            architect to incorporate several key sustainable de-
                                                                            sign principles into the design of the building. So, very
                                                                            early in its concept stages, several environmental
                                                                            analyses were done by DPA’s sustainable design spe-
                                                                            cialist, DP Sustainable Design (DPSD), on the com-
                                                                            puter model of the building to assess its impact on
                                                                            the environment. One of it was sun path and shadow
                                                                            analysis, which studies the amount of direct sunlight
                                                                            the building experiences and the amount of shadow
                                                                            it casts onto itself and its neighbours.
                                                                                Working in collaboration with DPSD, these analy-
                                                                            ses  inform the  building  design  so as  to produce  a
                                                                            more comfortable internal living environment for the
                                                                            users. Besides this, the incorporation of sustainable
                                                                            design principles and elements in the design help to
                                                                            reduce constructional and operational costs for the
                                                                            developer, too.
                                                                                As a result, some of the canopies around this
                                                                            building are, for example, 60cm deep while others are
                                    CREATING MEMORABLE DESIGNS              180cm deep. These are the depths that were critically
                                  Since joining DPA in 2013, Hafiz has been involved   required, beyond which, it would not make much dif-
                                  in numerous local and international projects of vary-  ference to the comfort levels for the users.
                                  ing scales, from urban master-planning to unique and
                                  memorable sites, including a zoo and a Ferris wheel.   LOOKING AHEAD
                                  His work also takes him abroad, where he coordinates   Hafiz is grateful for the opportunity to witness how
                                  meetings with industry partners and shares his ideas   a  building  starts  off  from  a  simple  sketch  and  pro-
                                  through client presentations. Such overseas trips   gresses on to the actual construction. He now looks
                                  also help him experience first-hand the environmen-  forward to the completion of the building in a few
                                  tal conditions of the building site, giving him a better   years’ time.
                                  understanding of the place.                   Currently, Hafiz is keeping busy with his projects,
                                     A  particularly  interesting  project  for  Hafiz  was   designing two prestigious malls and a private resi-
                                  when he had to work with a zoologist for the zoo pro-  dential complex in Morocco.
                                  ject. The experience was truly an eye opener as Hafiz      Five years on, and Hafiz is still amazed at how ar-
                                  got a behind-the-scenes look at animal enclosures   chitecture shapes our lives and how our lives, in turn,
                                  and how his design work would eventually contribute   shape architecture. The relationship between hu-
                                  towards the health and comfort of the animals living   mans and the built environment is not a monologue;
          Muhammad Hafiz          there. By being present at the site, Hafiz was able to   it is a constantly evolving dialogue. There is much to
          Bin Hanip               appreciate the operations of a zoo and this aided his   discover as we continue to design new buildings and
          BCA-DP Architects       design thinking process.                  discover new ways of living.
          iBuildSG Undergraduate
          Scholarship 2012
          (formerly known as BCA-DP   EXCITING DESIGN PROCESS
          Architects Built Environment   The design process involves a lot of imagination – the
          Undergraduate Scholarship)  rigour of doing, undoing and redoing involves con-
                                  stant  innovation and  exploration  –  and  an  architect
          Age: 31                 must push the boundaries of human interaction with
          Attained:               the built environment. It is this pursuit of new spatial
          Master of Architecture,   experiences that excites and drives Hafiz as he cre-
          National University of   ates his designs. His designs are recreated across a
          Singapore               number of media, moving from initial thoughts on pa-
                                  per to scaled cardboard models and computer mod-
          Now:                    els in the virtual world, and finally, transformed into
          Architectural Executive,
          DP Architects           life-sized mock-ups.
                                     At the end of the day, an architect’s challenge
          From:                   lies in crafting a building that addresses the clients’
          Anderson Junior College  needs while respecting the local building codes and
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