Page 54 - Scholarship Guide Feb 2019
P. 54

52                                           SCHOLAR’S PROFILE
          SOARING HIGH



                                    Why did you choose the CAAS Overseas    to ensure the development of the industry in order
                                    Undergraduate scholarship? Who or       to maintain Singapore’s leading position in aviation.
                                    what influenced you most to take up     When deciding on this scholarship, I meticulously re-
                                    this scholarship?                       searched the role of CAAS and brought my own views
                                  I chose a scholarship with CAAS as I wanted to learn   to the interview on how I believed I could contribute
                                  about and work closely with the air transport industry.   to CAAS’s goals.
                                  I have always been fascinated by air travel and would
                                  like to spend my career contributing to and learning    What do you think makes the scholarship stand
                                  about this field. The ability to further my interests is   out from the other scholarships on the market?
                                  what made me take up this scholarship.    For me the main factor in choosing this scholarship is
                                                                            the focus of the job after I graduate. As I am interested
          Opportunities             What course did you graduate in and     in the aviation industry, this scholarship is a good fit
                                    why did you choose to pursue this?
          to grow are             I graduated from Imperial College London with a   for furthering my interests in this field. So far, working
                                                                            at CAAS has given me good exposure to the air trans-
          aplenty for             Master of Engineering (Aeronautical Engineering)    port community here in Singapore.
          Skyler Tan at           in 2017. I have always loved planes and had an inter-     Describe your role in CAAS.
                                  est in big engineering marvels such as the jumbo
          the Civil               jets  and  space  shuttles.  Therefore,  a  natural  fit  for    I am responsible for developing and implementing the
          Aviation                me to pursue my interests was an aeronautical    industry transformation map which outlines the initia-
                                                                            tives we would undertake together with the industry
                                  engineering course.
          Authority of                                                      to develop new capabilities and improve productivity.
          Singapore,                What do you think are your strengths    My role generally includes forward planning for the
                                    that landed you the scholarship?
                                                                            industry and securing the resources and support we
          allowing him            I think my attention to detail and belief that I should try   need to deliver on our plans.
          to further his          my best at whatever I attempt landed me the schol-    What do you love about your job and CAAS?
                                  arship. Being interested in how planes fly at a young
          passion for             age has developed my passion for air travel and the   CAAS makes the effort to encourage officers to step
          air travel.             air transport industry too. As I grew up, I realised the   out of their comfort zone. This is something I admire
                                                                            about the organisation. There is also a strong focus
                                  importance of aviation safety and the efforts needed
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