Page 58 - Scholarship Guide Feb 2019
P. 58

56                                             LIM ZHONGYAN

                                                                            Building Research @ Woodlands) and Living Labora-
                                                                            tories (e.g. Punggol and Yuhua). Upon successful test-
                                                                            ing and positive feedback from stakeholders, these
                                                                            solutions are then finally rolled out for wide-scale im-
                                                                            plementation in HDB estates across the island. The
                                                                            satisfaction that one can feel then is akin to seeing
                                                                            your art piece being featured in an exhibition gallery,
                                                                            albeit on a very large scale! The knowledge that my
                                                                            work can impact the lives of so many residents makes
                                                                            the hard work all the more worthwhile.
                                                                               In  Singapore’s  effort  to  build  a  Smart  Nation,
                                                                            HDB leads in the creation of a Smart Urban Habitat,
                                                                            leveraging smart technologies to create a more live-
                                                                            able, sustainable, and safe living environment for HDB
                                                                            residents. Since becoming a part of this journey, my
                                                                            work has evolved to include harnessing the power
                                                                            of data and state-of-the-art technologies, such as 3D
                                                                            Geographic Information Systems and Urban Analyt-
                                                                            ics, to identify special patterns and trends of the ur-
                                                                            ban environment. Armed with these insights, we are
                                                                            able to further improve the way we plan and develop
                                                                            our estates.
                                  “In front of you are three light switches. Only one turns      However, things are not always simple or smooth-
                                  on the light downstairs. From where you stand, you   sailing. There will be challenges, and when it seems
                                  cannot see the light and it makes no sound. You must   easier to just give up and move on, this famous quote
                                  determine which switch operates the light, but you   would come to my mind:
                                  can only go downstairs to check the light once. How       ‘Our  greatest  weakness  lies  in  giving  up.  The
                                  do you figure out which switch activates the light?”  most certain way to succeed is always to try just one
                                     Since I was young, I have been intrigued by puz-  more time.’ – Thomas Edison
                                  zles and brainteasers like this. I was also very interest-     The never-say-die attitude must live strongly in
                                  ed in how the things around me worked. However, the   an engineer doing R&D. One needs to be creative and
                                  use of the Internet was not as ubiquitous back then,   have the determination to forge on to see a seeded
                                  and one could not just google the answer (which   idea grow and be successfully implemented. It is thus
                                  you probably might have done when thinking of the   crucial to be resilient, to be adaptable, and to be open
                                  question above). There were nights when I refused to   and receptive to ideas.
                                  sleep until my curiosity was satisfied.      It also helps that I had support and advice from
                                     Considering my inclination to think outside of   various  mentors  (including  many  unofficial  ones!)
                                  the box to solve problems, coupled with the fact that I   since I started work in HDB. The warmth and support
                                  like to tinker with things, it is perhaps no wonder that   that I continue to receive from colleagues also makes
                                  I decided to pursue Engineering in university. I picked   HDB feel like my second home. Like they say – team-
                                  Mechanical Engineering as it was the broadest field   work makes the dream work!
                                  of Engineering, and I believed that it would give me      Choosing to  take  up  the  HDB  scholarship  has
                                  the widest exposure and equip me with useful skills   opened up new possibilities for me. If you are consid-
                                  and knowledge for my future career.       ering a scholarship like I was, here’s what I propose
                                     I also made the decision to apply for the HDB   – first, determine what you are interested in and what
                                  Undergraduate Scholarship. You may ask, why HDB?   you are looking for in a career. Then, consider who
                                  The reason is simple. The intricacies of HDB’s work   you want to help and the kind of impact you wish to
                                  intrigued me. Travelling around Singapore, I would   make. If you conclude that you are up to the challenge
                                  see public housing in almost every part of the island.   of contributing to Singapore’s public housing lega-
                                  Given the scale of work that HDB does, the organisa-  cy, and look forward to gaining enriching experiences
                                  tion’s impact goes beyond the hard infrastructure to   that come with the job, the HDB scholarship is for you.
                                  touch the lives of our residents.         Trust me, I am an HDB engineer.
          Lim Zhongyan               Fast forward a few years, I am currently working
          HDB Undergraduate       at HDB’s Building & Research Institute, which was set
                                  up in September 2009 to spearhead Research & De-
          Age: 32                 velopment (R&D) efforts in building and environmen-
                                  tal sustainability. Despite building more than 1 million   “The never-say-die attitude
          Attained:               flats and housing an entire nation, HDB does not rest
          Mechanical Engineering,   on its laurels. We are always looking at what we can   must live strongly in an
          National University     do better to build new generation housing and smart,
          of Singapore                                                           Engineer doing R&D. One
                                  sustainable towns. I share this belief that we are only
          Now:                    limited by what we can imagine. And that is what ex-  needs to be creative and
          Senior Engineer,        cites me and drives me at work!
          Building & Research        As an R&D engineer with HDB, I look at the range   have the determination
          Institute, Housing and   of challenges faced by the organisation, and under-
          Development Board                                                      to forge on to see a
                                  take R&D efforts to implement innovative urban solu-
          From:                   tions to create a more eco-friendly and higher quality   seeded idea grow and be
          Anglo-Chinese           living  environment.  These  urban  solutions  are  first
          Junior College          carefully tested in our Master Laboratory (Centre of   successfully implemented.”
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