Page 62 - Scholarship Guide Feb 2019
P. 62

60                                             NURUL REKHA

          “When choosing          faces, we waited. It must’ve been a couple of hours   only  able  to  measure  the  effectiveness  of  our  con-
          a scholarship,          before we saw anything, but eventually, huddled up    servation initiatives over time, but also gain a deeper
                                                                            knowledge of what animals live in the reserve and
                                  in our blankets, we watched the Northern Lights in
          it is important         the sky.                                  the type of environment they thrive in, to facilitate the
                                                                            development of future conservation initiatives.

                                     My field trips were also some of the most memo-
                                                                               I’m also a member of the Otter Working Group
          to remember             rable experiences during my studies. One of my class-    (OWG) in Singapore, as part of my work as a Conser-
                                  es  involved  a  2-week  field  study  in  Antarctica  and
          that you are            Argentina. In Ushuaia, Argentina, we went for a cou-  vation Manager. My work in OWG comprises of man-
          also choosing           ple of hikes in the Tierra del Fuego National Park.    aging human-otter interactions, pre-empting possible
                                                                            conflict,  and  some  outreach  initiatives.  One  of  the
                                  The views were absurdly stunning, and I remember
          a career, and           thinking that I could easily spend months trekking   highlights of working in NParks, and being a part of
                                  through Patagonia.
                                                                            the OWG, was facilitating the South East Asian Ot-
          thus it is crucial         Finally, I don’t think anything else can compare to   ter Workshop. The 4-day workshop invited esteemed
          that the goals          being on a ship and getting the first glimpse of the icy   otter scientists from all over the region to Singapore
                                  continent of Antarctica. It was honestly magical.
                                                                            with the aim of developing an Action Plan for Asian
          and aims of               Please share with us about your working   otters. One of the agenda items involved bringing the
                                                                            scientists out to observe wild otters in Singapore.
          the organisation          experience in the Conservation Division.    Many of these scientists spent years studying otters,
                                                                            but have never seen them in the wild, except through
                                    Do also share about any notable projects you
          are something             are currently working or have worked on.  camera traps. Watching their faces as they observed
          you believe in          A Conservation Manager, as aptly described by a col-  the otters in Singapore for the first time is something
                                  league, is a custodian of the nature reserve. While
                                                                            I would never forget. It made me appreciate so much
          as well. ”              ensuring that the reserve is safe for public use is of   more the privilege we have of seeing otters in our ur-
                                  utmost  importance,  a  Conservation  Manager must
                                                                            ban environment.
                                  additionally be responsible for the flora and fauna of
                                  the area. This involves forest restoration works, native   What advice would you have for those who
                                  seed propagation, as well as enforcement to stop the   are exploring for their scholarship options?
                                  poaching of wildlife.                     18- or 19-year-olds should know that taking on a
                                     Being in the Conservation Division means being   scholarship is a big decision. When choosing a schol-
                                  exposed to a good mix of research, outreach, and op-  arship, it is important to remember that you are also
                                  erations work. Through my months working here, I’ve   choosing a career, and thus it is crucial that the goals
                                  learnt to appreciate the importance of each of these as-  and aims of the organisation are something you be-
                                  pects towards the success of a conservation project.    lieve in as well.
                                     Some of the projects I’ve enjoyed assisting with      It is also important to choose a course of study
                                  include the study of macaque troops in MacRitchie,   that you are passionate about. Scholarship providers
                                  and biodiversity surveys. Macaques are such dynam-  often have preferred subject choices for university,
                                  ic creatures, and hours observing them have allowed   but don’t be discouraged if your subject of choice
                                  us to distinguish between individuals and further un-  is not listed. If you are confident you will be able to
                                  derstand their troop dynamics and behaviour. We also   contribute to the aims and goals of the organisation
                                  conduct biodiversity surveys in the nature reserve, in   through your choice of study, don’t be afraid to let
                                  order to develop a better understanding of the fauna   them know. Your years in university will shape you,
                                  that inhabit the different areas. In doing so, we are not   and it is important you enjoy what you are studying.
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