Page 64 - Scholarship Guide Feb 2019
P. 64

62                                               HE YUTIAN

          “I am currently         One of my favourite shows while growing up was a   Anthropology. During another summer, eager to learn
                                                                            about the regional differences in building techniques
                                  cartoon titled “Ten Thousand Whys.” I looked forward
          also working with       to  each  episode’s  unravelling  of  a  question  on  top-  and to get my hands dirty with construction work, I
          various agencies        ics ranging from the humanities to the sciences, and   worked on typhoon-resilient building construction in
                                  gleefully counted down to my mastery of the world’s
                                                                            The Philippines. There, I discovered the boundless
          and stakeholders        knowledge once I hit the 10,000th episode. Though   versatility of the coconut tree as a building material.

                                                                               With an arsenal of cross-cultural and interdisci-
                                  my childhood daydream of omniscience was quickly
          on several street       shattered when my parents gently informed me that   plinary experiences in the built environment, I was
          enhancement             there were more than 10,000 whys on this planet   ready to return to Singapore to begin my journey in
                                                                            urban design with URA. In my present role, I oversee
                                  (and only 446 episodes in the show), I continued to
          projects, including     be fascinated by multiple disciplines throughout my   the planning of Museum Planning Area, which is the
                                  schooling years. I enjoyed drawing, sculpting, read-
                                                                            historic heart of the city centre. It’s home to numer-
          pedestrianisation       ing and writing as much as I loved to analyse systems,   ous arts and heritage institutions, as well as the urban
                                                                            green lung that is Fort Canning Park. I conduct simu-
                                  recognise patterns and partake in hands-on projects.
          and sidewalk            This naturally led to my desire to study Architecture,   lations of building form and massing as part of an iter-
          widening, in            a broad-based yet specialised course where I could   ative design process, to test different parameters for
                                  explore all of those interests.
                                                                            developments that can encourage vibrant additions
                                     In identifying a suitable potential career, I looked
          order to create           for organisations that work on a wide range of pro-  to the city scape while maintaining contextuality and
                                                                            sensitivity to the surroundings.
          a more inviting         fessional  fields  and  provide  opportunities  for  inter-     As part of a wider planning intent to stitch to-
          streetscape with        disciplinary discourse. The Urban Redevelopment   gether parts of our city into a larger arts, cultural and
                                                                            heritage district, I am currently also working with
                                  Authority (URA), Singapore’s land use planning and
          public spaces           conservation  authority,  was  an  intuitive  fit.  I  hence   various agencies and stakeholders on several street
                                  took on a URA Overseas Undergraduate Scholarship
                                                                            enhancement projects, including pedestrianisation
          that everyone           to study Architecture, with a double major in Visual   and sidewalk widening, in order to create a more in-
                                                                            viting streetscape with public spaces that everyone
                                  Art and a minor in Anthropology, at Rice University in
          can enjoy.”             Houston, Texas.                           can enjoy.
                                  2                                         3

                                     My  six  years  at  Rice  University  were  formative
                                  and endowed me with a diverse array of experiences.
                                  In the School of Architecture, I experimented with
                                  prototypical designs focused on meeting the press-
                                  ing needs of a changing world. I used expandable
                                  buildings, disassembled  historic  sites,  and  portable
                                  fabric architecture, in a variety of contexts from Hou-
                                  ston to Rosario to Paris.                    The work at URA is varied, stimulating and satis-
                                     Outside of the architecture studio, I sculpted with   fying. As an organisation that has an overview of the
                                  fire, paper, emergency blankets and a panoply of un-  myriad forces that come together to shape a city, we
                                  expected materials to create thought-provoking art in-  are in a unique position of being able to identify syner-
          He Yutian               stallations peppered across the campus. A marriage   gistic opportunities for collaboration and blur bound-
          URA Scholarship
                                  of my interests in anthropology and design led me to   aries beyond the confines of field-specific discourse.
          Age: 26                 interview insect biologists on the subject of ant colo-  It allows  us to kick-start imaginative conversations
                                  nies to derive insights on how underground spaces   about how Singapore could be like in the future.
          Attained:               for humans could be reimagined.
          Bachelor of Arts in        In my free time, I also sought out interdisciplinary
          Architecture and Visual Art,   adventures. One of which was to work with civil engi-
          Minor in Anthropology
          Bachelor of Architecture  neers to design and build a model of an earthquake-
                                  resistant high-rise building that could survive shake   1   A site-specific art installation at the student-run
          Now:                    table  simulations of  9.1-magnitude  earthquakes  at   Matchbox Gallery in Houston, Texas. He Yutian
          Architect, Urban Design   the annual Seismic Design Competition.     on the extreme left.
          (Central Area, North), Urban      With URA scholarship’s support for summer
          Redevelopment Authority                                           2   En route to the office with fellow colleagues
                                  school programmes, I attended Semester At Sea’s   during one of URA’s Cycle-To-Work days.
          From:                   Summer Voyage, where I spent two months aboard
          Rice University         a ship that sailed and docked in the Mediterranean,   3   Preparing the foundation for a typhoon-resilient
          (Houston, Texas)        doing global comparative studies in Architecture and   building in Tacloban City, The Philippines.
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