Page 66 - Scholarship Guide Feb 2019
P. 66

64                                           SCHOLAR’S PROFILE



                                                                               Why did you choose to pursue
                                                                               your course of study at NUS?
                                                                            I chose NUS Business School mainly because of the
                                                                            quality and prestige not just in Asia, but also on the
                                          HARD                              international stage. Besides, NUS Business School
                                                                            is located in Singapore, a strategic gateway to Asia
                                                                            and  the  world  that  offers  endless  opportunities  for
                                                                            growth and exposure. As the flagship university of a
                                                                            multi-cultural society like Singapore, NUS stands out
                                                                            for its diverse student population on campus. Hence,
                                                                            I believe that the more diverse the student body, the
          Attracted by the vibrant student life,                            richer the learning experience. Even though I have
                                                                            only been studying here for one semester, I feel that I
          Mabel Tan makes the best of her                                   have become better at articulating my views!
          many NUS Scholarship opportunities.                                  Why did you accept the NUS Scholarship?
                                                                            To be honest, the results on my A-Levels slip came
                                                                            as a surprise and I never saw myself in this position
                                                                            of applying for a scholarship. Hence, I was deeply
                                                                            humbled and honoured to be granted one of the most
                                                                            prestigious scholarships at NUS, which bestowed in
                                                                            me a sense of obligation to use this opportunity ef-
                                                                            fectively. The NUS Scholarship being bond-free is
                                                                            definitely a major draw, but there are certainly other
                                                                            attractions like special programmes and overseas
                                                                            stints. I feel that the NUS Scholarship will put my goal
                                                                            of a quality university education within reach, while
                                                                            also provide me with something equally, if not more,
                                                                            important – the recognition of a job well done.

                                                                               What was the selection process like?
                                                                            Truth be told, I was caught off-guard by the interview
                                                                            process. I expected it to be a classic “getting to know
                                                                            you better” interview, but it turned out to be a three-
                                                                            hour-long interview process! There were three sec-
                                                                            tions to the interview, the first one being a General
                                                                            Knowledge Quiz where the questions covered a wide
                                                                            range of current affairs and economics-related topics.
                                                                            After the quiz, we were each handed a thick stack of
                                                                            files consisting of a case study about a company, for
                                                                            which we would propose strategies. In this second
                                                                            segment, all of us were given time to discuss as a
                                                                            team on how to respond to the criticisms and propose
                                                                            improvements, all under the watch of the assessors.
                                                                            This was the most daunting part of the interview in my
                                                                            personal opinion, as I felt that every single word and
                                                                            action of mine was being assessed. I felt that the key
                                                                            thing to remember throughout the selection process
                                                                            is not to make yourself shine alone. Personally, I spoke
                                                                            up quite often during the discussion to provide con-
                                                                            structive comments and rebuttals, and build on the
                                                                            ideas that my other teammates had raised.
                                                                            (This is the NUS Business School scholarship inter-
                                                                            view process. For most other faculties, scholarship
                                                                            applicants are required to attend one to two rounds of
                                                                            panel interviews to determine their suitability for the
                                                                            NUS Scholarship.)
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