Page 70 - Scholarship Guide Feb 2019
P. 70

68                                             WESLEY KAM

          “I believe a              Why did you choose to pursue            It was a pleasant surprise! Writing the personal es-
                                                                               What was the selection process like?
                                    your course of study at NUS?
          scholar needs           For the longest time leading up to university, I had   say gave me greater conviction for what I wanted to
          to be authentic         planned to study Law. I had a rather idealistic dream   do with my life in university, and I’m glad that despite
                                                                            my honesty, those in charge of selecting took a bet
                                  of wanting to stand up for the marginalized. Due to my
          with his/her            strengths in writing and speaking, I thought it was only   on me. The interviews I have attended were refresh-
                                  natural. However, during my National Service years
                                                                            ing, with minimal questions on my abilities on paper,
          convictions,            leading up to matriculation, I caught a glimpse of peo-  leaving me feeling like they were genuinely interest-
          for that is             ple in different fields, including church ministry, civil   ed.  We  went  off  tangent  during  one  the  interviews
                                                                            with the deans, ending up talking about football and
                                  servants, freelance journalists and writers making an
          where one’s             impact in their respective journeys. This widened my   the tactical and organizational genius behind team
                                  perspectives to consider that making a difference in
                                                                            management. It was an honour to know I wasn’t se-
          motivations             people’s lives could go beyond my field of study, that   lected purely based on what I could offer, but who I
                                                                            am as a person.
                                  wherever I was planted, it was possible to plant seeds
          come from.”             of change. Going a step further, I realized that making
                                  a difference could start now, and didn’t need to wait   Why do you think you were awarded the
                                  until after I entered a vocational field. This led me to   scholarship, and what are the qualities
                                  consider courses with lighter workloads in compari-  a scholar should possess?
                                  son to Law, that would allow me to be equipped for   I think I was awarded the scholarship not because I
                                  the future, and gave me more time to commit to other   tried to hard-sell myself, but rather because I present-
                                  meaningful projects outside of school. The Faculty of   ed my convictions as I knew them intimately. I believe
                                  Arts and Social Sciences was a great place to start,   a scholar needs to be authentic with his/her convic-
                                  combining my aforementioned strengths and giving   tions, for that is where one’s motivations come from.
                                  me the liberty to use my time to make a difference.   Other than that, I think it is important to see that we
                                  The general degree also kept my options open for a   are not entitled to such a scholarship, and the entail-
                                  vocation that would best fit my aspirations.   ing question in our heads should point us to how we
                                                                            can make full use of the scholarship to supplement
                                    Why did you accept the NUS Scholarship?  our convictions and hence motivations.
                                  The  two  most  attractive  benefits  were  the  accom-
                                  modation allowance and the bond-free nature of the   What are the benefits of taking
                                  scholarship. The accommodation allowance allowed   up an NUS Scholarship?
                                  me to stay on campus with minimal costs and allowed   It liberates me in so many ways. I need not worry
                                  for school to seamlessly fit into the bigger picture of   about tuition and accommodation fees, and unlike
                                  my life without the hassle of travelling. This opportu-  other scholarships, I don’t have to worry about the
                                  nity to stay on campus also allowed me to live in close   time taken from me during holidays. The networking
                                  proximity with my peers, building deep and mean-  system where scholars can go for the same events
                                  ingful relationships, and learning from  one another.    has also allowed me to widen my social circle with
          Kam Wei Lee Wesley      The bond-free nature of the scholarship has given   people passionate in their own fields!
          NUS Global Merit
          Scholarship             me the freedom to discover my passions, making
                                  education more of an adventure than a paper chase.   How has your NUS experience been, and
          Age: 21                 As mentioned before, I do believe that making a dif-  what programmes and activities have you
                                  ference starts now, so holidays without compulsory   participated in so far?
          Now:                    internships or attachments have really given me   In my Residential College, the College of Alice &
          Year 1, Arts and Social   that opportunity to discover where my passions and   Peter Tan, I’m part of a team going to Yunnan in 2019
                                  strengths intersect.                      for a service learning project, in which I am jointly in
          From:                                                             charge of planning programmes for the children. It’s
          Nanyang Junior College                                            been a joy working with like-minded peers.
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