Page 68 - Scholarship Guide Feb 2019
P. 68

66                                               MABEL TAN

                                                                            Scholarship offers a guaranteed spot in the Student
                                                                            Exchange Programme, an experience that I person-
                                                                            ally look forward to for the exposure. The guaranteed
                                                                            two-year accommodation on the NUS campus also
                                                                            gives me an opportunity to participate in student
                                                                            life activities and save on travelling time, which I can
                                                                            channel for more productive use academically. Most
                                                                            significantly, with the introduction of the Community
                                                                            Development Learning Programme (CDLP), I believe
                                                                            the opportunity to work with scholars from diverse
                                                                            backgrounds  will  enrich  me  with  different  perspec-
                                                                            tives on handling organisational projects, an experi-
                                                                            ence I can never get without this scholarship!

                                                                               How has your NUS experience been, and
                                                                               what programmes and activities have you
                                                                               participated in so far?
                                                                            My experience in NUS has thus far been amazing. I
                                                                            am honored to be offered a spot in Eusoff Hall, one
                                                                            of the most vibrant halls in NUS and widely recog-
                                                                            nised as one of the halls that excels in sports. The
                                                                            sheer spectrum of sports CCAs here in Eusoff Hall is
                                                                            overwhelming! Besides sports, the committees and
                                                                            cultural activities make hall life even more exciting. I
                                                                            have always envisioned a lifestyle like that on campus,
                                                                            where I am given a plethora of opportunities to push
                                                                            the boundaries and explore new areas. Besides that,
                                                                            joining Business Rag (an annual charity project par-
                                                                            ticipated by all NUS faculties/schools) was one of the
                                                                            best decisions I have made in my university life! It was
                                                                            indeed a tiring yet fulfilling summer experience where
                                                                            I forged new friendships. Following months of hard
                                                                            work and sleepless nights came the announcement
                                                                            of the results of Rag and Flag 2018, where the Busi-
                                                                            ness School repeated last year’s feat of sweeping the
                                                                            event’s major awards - Rag Gold and Flag Champion.
                                                                            It was possibly the best feeling in the world knowing
                                                                            that our hard work paid off. The best takeaway from
                                                                            Rag was definitely the friendships forged through dif-
                                                                            ficult times. Up till today, I am contented to have my
                                                                            fellow Biz raggers as my closest friends in NUS.
                                    Why do you think you were awarded the
                                    scholarship, and what are the qualities
                                    a scholar should possess?
                                  Having integrity and strong convictions as a sports
                                  leader, I ensured that my responsibilities were never
                                  compromised. Back in  JC, while  it was a  daunting
                                  task to juggle both academics and intensive training,
                                  I pushed myself equally hard in both aspects. Doing
                                  all these activities concurrently has led me to de-
                                  velop a strong work ethic and ability to prioritise. As
                                  such, I believe that besides the academic credentials
                                  a scholar should possess, he/she should always be
                                  willing to go above and beyond to do a better job, and
                                  to approach everything in life with the drive to exceed
                                  and work hard. University is a tough road to say the
                                  least, but with this mentality, should a difficult situa-
                                  tion arise, one would always be ready and prepared!
                                  Looking forward, as a NUS scholar, I am extremely
          Tan Mabel               keen to give back to the community and contribute to
          NUS Merit Scholarship   the future success of NUS.
          Age: 19                   What are the benefits of taking
                                    up an NUS Scholarship?
          Now:                    Firstly, a scholarship would ease my parents’ financial
          Year 1, Business        burden and allow me to establish a significant degree
                                  of financial independence, especially since I have an
          From:                   elder brother who is also enrolled in the NUS Busi-
          Victoria Junior College  ness  School at  the  moment. Furthermore, the NUS
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