Page 60 - Scholarship Guide Feb 2019
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58                                             NURUL REKHA

          “Being a statutory board, NParks is in a position                 actively  trying to  incorporate  their  beliefs  and  what
                                                                            they’ve learnt into their daily lives, such as reducing
          to implement plans that can really shape the                      meat consumption and recycling. I’ve been similarly
          future of Singapore, for the fauna and flora and                  inspired to do the same.

                                                                               NParks has also given me the opportunity to par-
          the people who inhabit the country.”                              ticipate in two research expeditions in Romania and
                                                                            South Africa at the end of my first year. The expedi-
                                                                            tion to Romania focused on the effects of agricultural
                                    What sparked your interest in Zoology?  practices on the surrounding biodiversity. The one
                                  I’ve been fascinated by animals for as long as I can re-  in  South  Africa  investigated  the  effects  of  elephant
                                  member. I grew up watching all sorts of nature shows,   overpopulation in a game reserve and the extent of
                                  from Nigel Marven to Crocodile Hunter to, of course,   elephant damage on the vegetation. As a research
                                  David Attenborough documentaries. I remember be-  assistant, I learned an array of surveying skills that re-
                                  ing overwhelmed by the vast diversity of animals that   main useful in my work today. I also gained a deeper
                                  exist on our planet. I didn’t just love animals, I was   understanding of wildlife management issues such
                                  curious about them – about the interaction between   culling, hunting, and anthropogenic involvement in
                                  predator and prey, how some are able to adapt to   habitats – issues I initially thought were clear-cut,
                                  such extreme environments, and why they exhibit the   but I now realise are a lot more complicated than the
                                  behaviours they do.                       mere ethics of the actions alone.
                                     Over the years, I have gained interest in many dif-     I was also offered the chance to do an exchange
                                  ferent subjects, from literature to psychology and phi-  programme with James Cook University in the North
                                  losophy, but my curiosity for animals never wavered.   of  Queensland  during  my studies.  My  exchange  in
                                  Perhaps it is the idea that there is so much more to   Australia was incredible because we were constantly
                                  the world than just our lives, that we are merely part   surrounded by wildlife. There were wallabies, pos-
                                  of a larger system, which appeals to me. Often, espe-  sums, pythons, various species of parrots and other
                                  cially in an urban environment like Singapore, we are   birds right outside our dormitory. In contrast to the
                                  so absorbed in our own routinised lives that we for-  more academic and theoretical education I received
                                  get that we share this Earth with so many other living   in St Andrews, my term in James Cook was a lot more
                                  things. Learning about animals makes me appreciate   conservation-centric and focused a lot more on the
                                  the wonder and complexity of life, and I knew I’d never   practical use of scientific knowledge. This has simi-
                                  get bored studying them. That’s how I ended up doing   larly equipped me to apply my university knowledge
                                  Zoology in university.                    to working at NParks.
                                                                               Finally, NParks allowed me to do two intern-
                                    What led you to consider a career in NParks?  ships, before and midway through my studies. In my
                                  I first heard about the National Parks Board (NParks)   first internship, I was attached to Bukit Timah Nature
                                  in an article I came across in the newspaper. It de-  Reserve. I loved my experience there, because I was
                                  scribed the situation of some of the wildlife in Singa-  exposed to a side of Singapore I had not experienced
                                  pore, and NParks was mentioned. Singapore’s bio-  before. It was the best introduction I could have to the
                                  diversity hardly made the news back then, and I was   conservation work done by NParks and I learnt a lot
                                  more surprised to learn there was a statutory board   about  the wildlife  in Singapore.  In my second year,
                                  managing this. While the article didn’t elaborate on   I did an internship with the Streetscape division. This
                                  NParks’ role, the association between NParks and our   was an area I understood was an essential part of
                                  national wildlife was embedded in my mind.  NParks’ work in greening Singapore but did not know
                                     A year later, during the scholarship fair in my   much about. I gained a deeper understanding of the
                                  school, I learnt more about NParks at their booth. I   main aims of NParks and it made me realise that there
                                  found out about their role in greening Singapore, how   was so much potential for NParks to shape the land-
                                  they are responsible for some of the things I loved   scape and biodiversity in Singapore.
                                  most about Singapore – nature reserves, parks, and
                                  park connectors. I also learned more about their in-  What were some of the memorable/interesting
                                  creasing efforts in conservation.            encounters during your course of studies and
                                     NParks’  goals  were  aligned  with  mine.  Being  a   why are they memorable/interesting?
                                  statutory board, NParks is in a position to implement   Some of my most memorable times involve just being
                                  plans that can really shape the future of Singapore,   at St Andrews. While it is a small town in Fife, within
          Nurul Rekha
          d/o Fuad Mohan          for the fauna and flora and the people who inhabit the   there are three beaches, short forested trails, a near-
          NParks Undergraduate    country. I felt that I might be able to contribute to the   by estuary where you could watch shorebirds and a
          Scholarship             organisation by studying what I loved, so I applied for   forest an hour’s cycle away. It is also one of the towns
                                  the scholarship.                          along the Fife Coastal Path, a long-distance footpath
          Age: 23                                                           stretching the entire length of the Fife coast, connect-
                                    What opportunities have you enjoyed     ing some of the most beautiful villages. I would walk
          Attained:                 as an NParks scholar?                   and  cycle  through  different  towns  along  the  beach
          Bachelor of Science in
          Zoology, University of    I am very grateful to have had the opportunity to study   and birdwatch over the weekends.
          St Andrews              Zoology at the University of St Andrews in Scotland,      Being located so far north in St Andrews meant
                                  under the NParks Scholarship. One of the things I   that if you were lucky, you might be able to see the
          Now:                    loved  the  most about  my  university  education  was   Northern Lights. I still remember the occasion I wit-
          Manager, Conservation    the learning environment. I was taught and guided by   nessed it – it was a winter night when we heard of
          (Central Nature Reserve)
                                  lecturers who were experts in their fields and were   news that the Northern Lights may be visible. My
          From:                   generous in sharing their knowledge. I was surround-  friends and I, along with many other students, rushed
          Anglo-Chinese School    ed by people who were not only enthusiastic and   down to the beach. There, we laid down on the cold
          (Independent)           genuinely enjoyed what they were studying, but also   sand and, with the freezing winter winds hitting our
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