Page 55 - Scholarship Guide Feb 2019
P. 55
on fostering individual growth for staff. CAAS has a mistakes. I like this open and approachable aspect of “If we follow
nurturing culture and there are plenty of opportuni- CAAS’ culture and I am happy to say that this is my
ties to learn and develop oneself. The CAAS Project ideal work culture. procedures just
Xperience is one such example where officers are al-
lowed to walk in the footsteps of their colleagues from What was the first thing that struck because “that’s
another division. Most of the time, much of the work you when you started working? the way it has
done in a division is unknown to others, so I appre- While a good work-life balance is still very much
ciate CAAS giving staff the opportunity to see what achievable when I started work, I realised that more always been
really goes on behind the scenes in another division. effort is required to keep up my personal interests
Through this experience, I learned to see CAAS as a as compared to when I was studying. I realised it done”, we will not
bigger picture and come to appreciate the work and now requires effort and planning to be able to find change, adapt,
efforts my colleagues put in. time to pursue interests outside of work. I would en-
courage anyone who is still studying to appreciate and improve.”
What kinds of career and personal the extra time and take the chance to travel more
developmental opportunities does and try out new things to broaden your experiences
the company provide its scholars? and perspectives.
As a CAAS scholar, opportunities will be provided for
me to rotate to a different division every two years, Have your views/expectations changed once
so as to gain experience and learn the different job you stepped out into the working world?
functions in the organisation. There are also career My views have not changed significantly from when I
development options to be seconded to the Ministry was studying. The responsibilities that I have now at
of Transport or the ICAO Mission in Montreal. Cross- work are definitely greater than when I was a student.
division projects are also available to give us a better When studying, most of the things we deal with are
understanding and first-hand experience of how the still theoretical and within a controlled environment.
various parts of the organisation work together to de- However, my actions now affect various stakeholders
liver on our responsibilities. and definitely require a greater degree of care.
What are your interests and how do What do you see are life’s most
you balance it with working life? important values and why?
I’m into mountain biking and I find the time to do so Trying your best at whatever you choose to do and to
during the weekends. I’m lucky to have a boss who understand why we do things a certain way. I believe
supports having a good work-life balance and we try that we should try our best at any task that we set for
our best to confine work tasks to working hours un- ourselves as not doing so would be letting down our-
less absolutely necessary. Planning my time ahead selves and others who are depending on you. This in-
means that I can ensure I keep last minute surprises cludes understanding the reasons behind why things
to a minimum and have my nights and weekends for are done a certain way. If we follow procedures just
my own interests and family. because “that’s the way it has always been done”, we
will not change, adapt, and improve.
How do you find the working culture in CAAS?
I am happy with the working culture in CAAS. Here, What qualities are essential to have if a
colleagues make the effort to be more than just col- student is interested in the scholarship?
leagues. We have meet-ups outside of work and I feel CAAS’ role is important as air connectivity brings in
that this is a group of friends that I would like to hang valuable global connections to enable our economic
out with. People are helpful and will assist newcom- growth. Therefore, the student should be interested
ers with difficulties or doubts in their work. My su- in aviation and understand the importance of air con-
periors teach rather than reprimand when we make nectivity in relation to Singapore’s success.
Tan Shiuh Sheng Skyler
CAAS Overseas
Undergraduate Scholarship
Age: 27
Master of Engineering
(Aeronautical Engineering),
Imperial College London
Deputy Manager (Aviation
Development – Planning),
Aviation Industry Division
NUS High School