Page 82 - Scholarship Guide Feb 2019
P. 82

80                                         TABLE OF SCHOLARSHIPS

                                 Inland Revenue   Institute of   Jardine   JTC Corporation  JurongHealth    JurongHealth    Khoo Teck Puat   Khoo Teck Puat
           Company /              Authority of   Technical   Foundation      Services  Services   Hospital   Hospital
           Organisations          Singapore   Education            JTC
           Scholarship                                  Jardine   Undergraduate   Health Science   Nursing    Allied Health   Nursing
           Website               IRAS Overseas   ITE Scholarship   Scholarship  Scholarships  Award*31   Award*32  Sponsorship  Sponsorship
                                 Scholarship  Scheme                        (Degree /  (Degree /
                                              Diploma)  Diploma)
                                                                            juronghealth   juronghealth

            Any Discipline
         Disciplines    & Courses  Preferred Disciplines  Acc Biz Econ    *28  Most except   Pharm, Occ, Physio,  Nursing  Pharm, Occ, Physio,  Nursing
                                                                                                Med Social Work,
                                                                           Med Social Work,
                                                                  Med, Dent,
                                  IT Est Stat
                                                                 Pharm & Law  Diagnostic          Diagnostic
                                                                            Radiography          Radiography
            NUS, NTU                                               SMU        NUS       NUS        NUS        NUS
         Tenable Universities  & Institutions  Polytechnics / Institutions  Oxford, Cambridge  USA UK Jap Chi   NYP  NYP NP
            SMU, SUTD, SIT
            Renowned Overseas Universities
            Specific Countries
            No Bond                                                Ger Fra
         Bond  Bond for Local Studies (yrs)    4                    2         1 to 4    1 to 4     2 to 4     2 to 4
            Bond for Overseas Studies (yrs)  6  6                   5
            Lump Sum ($)
            Tuition Fees
            Exam Fees
            Hostel Fees                                             (local)
            Monthly Allowance ($)                                   (osea)
         Benefits and value of awards  Salary
            Yearly Allowance ($)
            One-Time Return Airfare (osea)
            Other Return Airfare (osea)
            Settling Allowance (osea)
            Excess Baggage (osea)
            Clothing Allowance (osea)
            Medical Insurance (osea)
            Book Allowance ($)                                      (osea)
            Computer Loan / Grant ($)                               (osea)
            Attachment During Vacation
            Others                  OEP                            OEP
            Singapore Citizen
            Singapore PR
            Other Citizens
            Excellent ‘A’ Level/IB/NUS High  Min GPA 3.75
         Requirements & Conditions  Poly Dip Holders May Apply
            Excellent ‘O’ Level
            Excellent CCA
            Proven Leadership
            Undergrads May Apply
            Completed NS (Male)
                                                      Single, healthy,
                                           To be employed
                                            as a Teaching   within 7 yrs after
                                           Associate for up   completing sec
                                            to one year  sch

             *28  Applied & Health Sc, Biz & Svcs, Design & Media, Hospitality, Electronics & InfoComm   *31 *32
               Tech, Eng                                             Scholarships are also offered by Ng Teng Fong General Hospital, Alexandra Hospital,
                                                                     Jurong Community Hospital, Jurong Medical Centre
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