Page 84 - Scholarship Guide Feb 2019
P. 84

82                                         TABLE OF SCHOLARSHIPS

                                 Land Transport   Land Transport   Land Transport   Loke Chen-Kim  Maritime and Port   Ministry of   Ministry of   Ministry of
           Company /              Authority  Authority   Authority  Foundation  Authority    Communications  Communications   Defence
           Organisations                                                    of Singapore  and Information   and Information
           Scholarship              LTA     LTA Overseas   LTA Local Study  Loke Cheng-Kim                   The SAF
           Website              Undergraduate   Undergraduate   Award  Foundation   The MPA   MCI Information  MCI Information   Scholarship
                                 Scholarship  Scholarship        Scholarship  Scholarship  Service   Service
                                   (Local /   (Non-ESCs)                  Scholarship  (Translation)   scholar.mindef.
                                  Overseas)                     lokefoundation.     Scholarship

            Any Discipline                                                            Except Med &
         Disciplines    & Courses  Preferred Disciplines   *35  CivilEng EEE   CivilEng EEE   Pure Sciences,    *39  Chinese / Malay /  disciplines *42
                                                                                                Tamil Linguistics
                                                                  Natural &
                                                                 EnvSciences                     Translation
            NUS, NTU                                                                     SMU       SMU
         Tenable Universities  & Institutions  Polytechnics / Institutions  Fra Ger Jap  UK US Aus  UK US Aus
            SMU, SUTD, SIT
            Renowned Overseas Universities
            Specific Countries

            No Bond                        other Non-ESCs                                Chi        Chi
         Bond  Bond for Local Studies (yrs)  4            4                    4          4         4          6
            Bond for Overseas Studies (yrs)  6  5                           6, NESC - 5  6, 5 (Chi)  6, NESC - 5  6
            Lump Sum ($)
            Tuition Fees
            Exam Fees
            Hostel Fees              (local)
            Monthly Allowance ($)                       10.2K
         Benefits and value of awards  Salary
            Yearly Allowance ($)
            One-Time Return Airfare (osea)
            Other Return Airfare (osea)
            Settling Allowance (osea)
            Excess Baggage (osea)
            Clothing Allowance (osea)
            Medical Insurance (osea)
            Book Allowance ($)
            Computer Loan / Grant ($)
            Attachment During Vacation  8 wks  8 wks    8 wks
            Others               OEP, Masters  OEP, Masters                 OEP, Masters                       *42^
            Singapore Citizen
            Singapore PR
            Other Citizens
            Excellent ‘A’ Level/IB/NUS High                                          Merit (MassComm) Merit (MassComm)  Merit
                                                                                                 10 au or equiv
                                                                                      10 au or equiv
         Requirements & Conditions  Poly Dip Holders May Apply                        Not in final yr  Not in final yr
            Excellent ‘O’ Level
            Excellent CCA
            Proven Leadership
            Undergrads May Apply
            Completed NS (Male)
                                                                                                           Qualify for OCS,
                                                                                                          strong interest in
                                                                                                           military career

             *35  Eng (Civil, EEE, Mech, Systems, Env), Acc, Econ, Geog, Mass Comm, IT Security & Comm,   *42  Applicants intending to pursue a degree in Law will not be called to the Bar while serving in
               Data Analytics, Material Sc                           the SAF
             *39  Data / Business Analytics, Computer Sc / Computing, Math / Stat, Info Sys, IT Security &   *42^  Opportunity for sponsorship of overseas programme and Masters
               Comm, Econ
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