Page 134 - Scholarship Guide Feb 2020
P. 134

132                                          TABLE OF SCHOLARSHIPS

       Company /                SPD     ST Engineering   Trailblazer Foundation   Redevelopment   Yayasan Mendaki  Yayasan Mendaki  National Institute of
       Organisations         APB Foundation                   Authority  Mendaki   Mendaki - Dr Abdul
       Scholarship           Scholarship For   ST Engineering   Howe Yoon Chong   Scholarship   Aziz Ali Scholarship  NTU-NIE
       Website               Persons With   Local and Overseas   PSA Scholarships  URA   (University)  Teaching Scholars
                              Disabilities  Scholarship      Undergraduate  Programme*231
                                                  (Administered   Scholarship
                      by HYC-PSA                   
        Any Discipline
     Disciplines   & Courses  Preferred Disciplines  InfoSysMgt,    *228  Health & Life Sc,   Med & Dent  Most teaching
                                         Eng, CpSc,
                                                                         Med, Eng,
                                                                                             subjects in JC
                                         NavalArch                     Multimedia Design      & sec sch
        NUS, NTU                 SUSS                         SMU SUTD                         NTU
     Tenable Universities  & Institutions  Polytechnics / Institutions
        SMU, SUTD, SIT
        Renowned Overseas Universities
        SpeciǠ c Countries

        No Bond
     Bond  Bond for Local Studies (yrs)   4 to 6                4                               4
        Bond for Overseas Studies (yrs)   4 to 6                6
        Lump Sum ($)                                                      4K / yr   3K (1 yr)
        Tuition Fees
        Exam Fees
        Hostel Fees
        Monthly Allowance ($)                        300
        Yearly Allowance ($)
     BeneǠ  ts and value of awards  One-Time Return Airfare (osea)
        Other Return Airfare (osea)
        Settling Allowance (osea)
        Excess Baggage (osea)
        Clothing Allowance (osea)
        Medical Insurance (osea)
        Book Allowance ($)                          500 / yr
        Computer Loan / Grant ($)
        Attachment During Vacation
        Others                          OEP, Masters                                         OEP, Masters
        Singapore Citizen                                                Muslim     Muslim
        Singapore PR                                                     Muslim     Muslim
        Other Citizens
        Excellent ‘A’ Level/IB/NUS High                                 3 Dis / 37 pts
        Excellent ‘O’ Level                                               Merit
                                                                          5 Dis
     Requirements & Conditions  Excellent CCA        Yr 1
        Poly Dip Holders May Apply
        Proven Leadership
        Undergrads May Apply
        Completed NS (Male)
        Others               Medically certiǠ ed   Passion for   Below 25 yrs old,   Required to complete  Required to complete
                            with a permanent,   technology &   household PCI $750/  one community   one community
                             physical, sensory   engineering  mth or less  project via MENDAKI project via MENDAKI
                             or developmental

        *228  Arch/Urban Design, Landscape Arch, Town/Urban Planning, Env Eng/Studies, Civil Eng, Econ, Est, Computer/
           Data Sc, Stat/Math, Info Sys Mgt, Geog, Soc & SocSc, IT, ICT
        *231  Tied to the scholarship/award conditions stipulated by MOE. Refer to MOE scholarships / awards on pages
           106 and 108.
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