Page 135 - Scholarship Guide Feb 2020
P. 135

MID-TERM SCHOLARSHIPS                                           133

          Company /           Association of   Auditor-General’s   Building and   Building and   Centre for Strategic   Central Provident
          Organisations       Singapore Marine   OfǠ ce   Construction   Construction   Infocomm   Fund Board
                              Industries            Authority   Authority  Technologies (CSIT)
          Scholarship                    AGO Auditing                               CPF Board
                              ASMI Marine   Service Scholarship   BCA   iBuildSG   CSIT   Mid-Term
          Website             & Offshore   (Mid-Term)  Undergraduate   Undergraduate   Undergraduate   Undergraduate
                              Undergraduate         Scholarship  Scholarship /   Scholarship Award  Sponsorship
                              Scholarship         Sponsorship
                              (Administered by

          Preferred Disciplines  Mech & Aero,  Acc  *3        *4         EEE, CompEng,  Any
                              Eng                                        CompSc, Maths,
          Tenable Universities /   NTU   NTU, NUS, SMU  NTU, NUS, SUTD, SIT NTU, NUS, SUTD, SIT,   Any local U  NTU, NUS, SMU,
          Institutions                                        BCAA                  SUTD
                                                                         One year for every   One year for every
          Bond (yrs)          1          4          4         Min 2 yr   year of sponsorship  year of sponsorship
          Tenable Period (yrs)                                           3 to 4
          Annual Value of Award (S$)  10K  Fees & Alw  Fees & Alw  10K to 18K  Fees & Alw  Fees & Alw

          Company /           Civil Aviation   Energy Market   Enterprise Singapore  Eu Yan Sang   Government of   Health Promotion
          Organisations       Authority of   Authority        International Ltd  Singapore Investment   Board
                              Singapore             Enterprise           Corp
          Scholarship                    The EMA    Singapore   NTU-SBS             HPB
                              CAAS Mid-Term   Scholarship   Global Executive   Double Degree   GIC Scholarship   Mid-Term
          Website             Scholarship   (Mid-Term)  Scholarship: Mid-  Scholarships  Programmes  Scholarship
                              (Overseas/(Local)     Term                            (Local /Overseas)
                       com  content/gsp/

          Preferred Disciplines  All except Med &   Eng (Elec, Mech,   Most except Med,   BioSc (NTU Double   Acc, Econ, Eng, Sc,   Most except Med,
                              Dent       Chem, Env),  Dent, Pharm, Law,   degree)  Maths & Liberal Arts  Dent, Acc and all
                                         Econ, Biz  Arch & Nursing  Chinese Med (BUCM)   Allied Health Sciences
                              NTU, NUS, SMU,
          Tenable Universities /   SUTD, SIT, SUSS,   NTU, NUS, SUTD, SIT  NTU, NUS, SMU,   NTU  Local and Overseas  NTU, NUS, SMU,
          Institutions        Overseas              SUTD, SIT  BUCM (Chi)           Overseas
          Bond (yrs)          *7         4 to 6     1 to 3               1 to 1.5   2 to 6
          Tenable Period (yrs)           1 to 2               Fr Yr 3 onwards  2
          Annual Value of Award (S$)  Fees & Alw  Fees & Alw  Fees & Alw  Fees & Alw  Fees & Alw  Fees & Alw

          Company /           Housing &   Housing &   Info-Communications  Inland Revenue   JTC Corporation  JurongHealth Services
          Organisations       Development Board  Development Board  Media Development   Authority of
                                                    Authority  Singapore  JTC Mid-Term  Nursing Award
          Scholarship         HDB Mid-Term   HDB Mid-Term                Scholarship
                              Undergraduate   Specialist   SG:D Scholarship   IRAS Mid-Term   juronghealth
          Website             Scholarship  Scholarship  (Undergraduate)  Undergraduate

          Preferred Disciplines  *13     Arch, Eng (Civil, Elec,   *15  Acc Biz Econ   *17  Nursing
                                         Mech), Cp Eng/Cp Sc/  IT Est Stat
                                         Info Sys
          Tenable Universities /   Reputable Overseas/  NTU, NUS, SMU,   NTU, NUS, SMU,   NTU, NUS, SMU,   NTU, NUS, SMU,  NUS, SIT
          Institutions        Local U    SUTD       SUTD, Overseas  Overseas  SUTD, SIT
          Bond (yrs)          *13^        *14       1 to 4    4 to 6     2          1 to 4
          Tenable Period (yrs)                      Min in Ǡ nal year  Up to 6  Up to 6
          Annual Value of Award (S$)  Fees & Alw  Alw  Fees & Alw  Fees & Alw  Fees & Alw  Alw

          *3   Arch (& Sustainable Design), Econ, Eng (Civil, Coastal, Structural, Elec, Mech, Systems &   *13  Eng (Civil/Elec/Mech), Arch/Urban Design, Urban Planning, Landscape Arch, Comp
             Design), Bldg Svcs, Geology, Project & Facilities Mgt, Smart-City Mgt & Tech  Eng/Sc/Info Sys, Data Sc/Analytics, Geomatics Eng, Econ, Sociology, Real Estate, Acc
          *4    Arch, Eng (Civil, Elec, Env, Mech), Construction Mgt, Project & Facilities, Bldg Svcs, Arch   *15   Sc, Technology, Eng and Maths (STEM) studies including Cp Sc / Biz and IT /
             & Sustainable Design, Eng Product Development, Real Estate  Computational Biology / Financial Informatics / Info Security / Applied Sc & media-
          *7 *13^ *14                                    related courses
             Pro-rated according to remaining years of study  *17   Acc, Biz / Econ, Eng, Facilities Mgt, HR, Land Surveying, Mass Comm, Est, Quantity
                                                         Surveying, Urban Planning & Design
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