Page 59 - Scholarship Guide Feb 2020
P. 59

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                                               will surely be the right choice for you!  It is an immense responsibility and privilege to
                                                                                 be able to directly affect change in Singapore.
                                               As part of the URA Scholarship, I was given   Take up the URA Scholarship and join this
                                               the opportunity to intern in the Underground   family of urban planners (as a Civil Engineer)!
                                               Works Department and Planning Policies
                                               Department. I was involved in a broad
                                               spectrum of projects, such as the 3D
                                               Underground Masterplan, car-lite initiative,
                                               etc. Furthermore, I was exposed to how
            Music Director for Singapore Society’s annual   rigorous data analysis is translated into
            musical production.                actionable insights to guide planning, how
                                               stakeholder engagement is an important
                                               component of policy formulation and how
                                               multiple teams or agencies have to work
                                               hand in hand to design, shape and manage
                                               Singapore’s built environment.

                                               Most importantly, the colleagues that I
                                               have met at URA selfl essly pushed me to
                                               accomplish more than I could by myself,
                                               dispensed advice beyond just work, and
                                               provided me with valuable resources and
            Amsterdam trip with fellow MND EDGE
            Scholars.                          support throughout my university education.   URA Scholarship
                                               I am grateful to be able to meet such warm,   Ng Jia Yi
                                               nurturing and like-minded colleagues.
                                               Being a supportive organisation, URA   23
                                               encouraged me to intern at an engineering
                                               consultancy in London. I was fortunate to   Now
                                               be able to work on major projects such as   Master of Engineering in Civil Engineering,
                                               the Thames Tideway as well as London   Year 3
                                               Heathrow Airport expansion and will bring   Imperial College London (UK)
                                               the lessons learnt back to Singapore.
            URA colleagues that selfl essly dispensed   Life abroad can be daunting at the start,   Raffl es Institution
            advice and helped me through my internship   but change begins at the end of our comfort
            as well as university life.        zones. Exploring new countries and meeting
                                               people along the way showed me not just the
            London being a melting pot of culture provided   ‘touristy’ side of countries, but the vulnerable
            me with the opportunity to understand and   as well. It was not just about the different
            effectively work with people from all around   urban fabrics, but also how people of different
            the world. The late-night conversations, pub   cultures interacted with their environment.
            crawls and travels with my course mates
            have given me valuable insights into how   Personally, my lifelong dream of orchestral
            different cities function and the struggles   concert hall hopping around Europe was
            they face that Singapore are blessed without   fulfi lled as well. At the Imperial College
            but should never take for granted.   London, I pursued my passion by serving as
                                               Music Director for Singapore Society’s annual
            Apart from academic rigour, the highlights   musical production. I am sure there will be
            of the Civil Engineering course in Imperial   something out there for you as well!
            College London were defi nitely the practical
            experiences. Lasting memories were forged   Apart from discovering new cultures, I am
            when we braved the rain in Wales for a   thankful for a close-knit group of friends. As
            week-long Surveying trip; when we tripped   part of the Ministry of National Development
            and fell over the rocky beaches and mines   EDGE Scholarship, scholars from the
            in different parts of UK for our Engineering   subsidiary statutory boards get to take part
            Geology trip and when we fi nally completed   in an orientation camp. I am blessed to have
            our structure that we planned and built from   made close friends, celebrating Chinese New
            scratch in our Constructionarium course.   Year together in chilly London, peppering the
            Pouring concrete, tying reinforcement bars,   streets of Amsterdam with our Singlish and
            going through project and risk management   supporting each other through our internship
            meetings every night may be arduous work,   stints. If you are someone who cherishes
            but if you relish the satisfaction of witnessing   teamwork and synergy, the URA Scholarship
            your project coming to life, Civil Engineering   will certainly be a good fi t!
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