Page 64 - Scholarship Guide Feb 2020
P. 64
hand. They may be able to advise you 3. Read between the lines. When reading an The psychometric test is not he be all and
on the specific tests for the career you article, think about what the implications end all of the selection process, so do not
have chosen and how you can skew your of each sentence could mean. Why was fret if you did not do well. Along with
sessions towards the enterprise.Although this word chosen instead of that, what is your experience, resume and proven track
practice tests are common and easily found the writer’s intention when formulating record in the industry, and of course the
with a quick search, every employer has an this sentence. actual interview – your potential employer
expert create a test for their enterprise – will take all aspects into account before
and it is bound to be slightly different. 4. Be wary of commonly misspelt words. Do selecting an applicant.
you know the difference between “you’re”
2. Start teasing your brain. Work on your and “your”? How about “recognize”
lateral thinking to identify word or number and “recognise” which is correct here?
patterns quicker. Start by brushing up on After the psychometric test, it is highly
simple math like probability and ratios recommended that you obtain feedback
or train your brain to recognise number from the accessor. It’s a chance for you to
strains with brain teasers like Sudoku. Try develop your skills and gain insight about
doing the BODMAS rule (bet you haven’t your application, whether or not you have
heard that one in a while) all in your head been offered the role.
– no cheating with a calculator.