Page 66 - Scholarship Guide Feb 2020
P. 66

64                              TO BE OR NOT TO BE A GRADUATE INTERN

         Why should you consider a

         graduate internship?

         It will enable you to pick up real life skills from   This is also the perfect time to ask questions   More importantly, being a graduate intern
         the sector of your choice. These can range   without worrying about looking ignorant as   can help you decide if the industry you’ve
         from  fi nancial and technological processes   it is understandable for a graduate trainee to   chosen is your cup of tea. Instead of spending
         to soft skills such as working in a team or   not know everything about the enterprise or   years in a dead-end job in a sector you dislike,
         internal communication.            job scope.                        this work experience can help you make a
                                                                              thoroughly informed decision regarding your
         Working in a graduate internship will also   By proving yourself capable and showing   career path.
         help you understand company culture and   that you fi t in with a company’s culture can
         honing your offi ce etiquette.  This can range   help you fi nd the golden pot at the end of
         from simple things such as email tonality,   the rainbow. At the end of the day, you may
         offi ce politics and understanding the work   fi nd yourself hired as a fulltime employee.
         systems – all of which can help you secure a   If that were not the case, you would have
         fulltime job much faster.          still gained priceless references for future
                                            interviews.  A fruitful graduate internship
         Often, a mentor would be assigned to   would have netted you several notches in
         the graduate trainee for work shadowing   your CV that will help bolster prospective
         purposes. Networking and building your   hiring opportunities.
         contacts are invaluable at this stage of your
         career. Even if this graduate internship is only
         temporary, utilise this opportunity to learn as
         much as you can from your seniors.
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