Page 72 - Scholarship Guide Feb 2020
P. 72

70                                     SCHOLAR’S PROFILE

         Engineering Her Route To Success



          Why did you choose the            Would you advise others to        What made you decide to
          scholarship?                      take up a scholarship?            choose your course in your
          I participated in the National Environment   A scholarship defi nitely provides many   university?
          and Water (NEW) Internship in Jan 2015,   benefi ts, such as job security upon graduation   I have always been interested in physics and
          after completion of my A Level Examinations.   as well as fi nancial support. The internships I   mathematics, so the engineering path was
          During that internship, I was attached to the   took part in during my undergrad days have   quite clear. I chose Mechanical Engineering in
          Catchment and Waterways Department,   also aided me in making a more informed   particular due to its generality, because I felt
          in particular the division that manages   decision when opting for which department   other engineering courses had too specifi c a
          the Active, Beautiful, Clean (ABC) Waters   to join after graduation. I would defi nitely   focus for my preference.
          Programme. This internship gave me the   encourage everyone who is passionate and
          chance to learn more about the work PUB   keen to try applying and not be daunted by
          does, and gain a deeper appreciation for   the application process. Ask questions as well   I chose to study at the National University of
          Singapore’s water loop. The complexity of   during the selection interviews, as it can help   Singapore (NUS) as I was offered a place in
          our water system, along with its dependency   affi rm one’s decision to take up a scholarship   the University Scholar’s Programme (USP), an
          on climate change, made me realize how   with that particular company, or otherwise.  undergraduate academic programme. I was
          dynamic this sector was, and the many                               drawn to the programme’s multidisciplinary
          engineering challenges that would arise in   However, I would not advice everyone to   curriculum, along with a focus on developing
          the near future in the water scene. Ensuring   take up a scholarship. As I have seen from my   critical thinking and writing skills. Indeed,
          Singapore’s water sustainability is a noble   peers in university, there are some who are   being in the USP made me explore beyond
          task, and I believed that this was the purpose   still exploring where their passions lie, and   the math and science which I was very
          and meaning I wanted in my career as an   university is a great time to venture into many   comfortable with. Instead, for instance, I
          engineer. So I took a chance and applied for   different things to  fi nd out more. Everyone   learned math in the context of philosophy, as
          the NEW Scholarship upon completion of the   has a unique path to take, there is no one path   well as how linguistics and culture are related.
          NEW Internship, and have not looked back   for all, At the same time, one should not take
          since.                            up a scholarship simply for the prestige or
                                            monetary value.
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