Page 73 - Scholarship Guide Feb 2020
P. 73

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                   What do you think set you          is properly reclaimed and that storm water   identity and pride as a Singaporean. It was
                                                      does not cause any fl ooding. This translates
                   apart from the rest of the         into always thinking of how any operations   also through living overseas that I got to better
                                                                                        appreciate the effi ciency and cleanliness in
                   candidates applying for a          or incidents can have impact to the water   Singapore.
                   scholarship?                       system, both upstream and downstream. The
                                                      reservoirs, waterworks, service reservoirs,
                   I think that the NEW internship allowed   sewers are all intricately linked to each other in
                   the organisation to get to know me better   our water loop. The work we do here at PUB
                   (through the assessment of my supervisors),   ensures that our system resilience is constantly
                   which would have given me an advantage   examined and improved by rethinking work
                   over applicants who went through the usual   processes. Of course, any sudden changes to
                   selection rounds. In the same vein, the 6 weeks   operations or incidents can lead to high stress
                   also gave me a deeper understanding of PUB’s   situations, where information needs to be
                   operations, which would have aided in my   gathered from various parties while swiftly
                   responses during the selection interview.  coordinating response plans. I have learnt
                                                      from my experience thus far that it is pertinent
                   Nonetheless, I think that it is not so much   to remain calm and objective even during
                   about “standing out”, but rather being a good   these stressful time, so as to best manage the
                   fi t for the company. Being genuine and sincere   situation. It also helps tremendously to have
                   helps the organisation assess accurately the fi t   colleagues who are able to guide me during
                   between the applicant and the organisation,   these situations. After everything has been
                   which will benefi t both parties in the long   resolved, there is a great sense of fulfi lment
                   term. Be clear about what your strengths are,   for working things out.  National Environment & Water
                   how you can contribute to the organisation,
                   then let the organisation decide if that is what                        (NEW) Scholarship
                                                                                           Jolyn Tan
                   they require.                      What kinds of career and
                                                      personal development                 Age
                   How are you enjoying your          opportunities does the               24
                   time at the company?               organization provide its staff?
                   My time at the Joint Operations Department   As earlier mentioned, the various internships I   Attained
                   so far has been very fulfi lling and enjoyable.   did during as an undergraduate at PUB helped   Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical
                   The past 6 months have been a steep learning   me to learn more in depth the work at different   Engineering),
                   curve, but I am glad that I get to work with   departments. At the same time, through PUB,   NUS
                   what fi rst piqued the interest of my 19 year   I had the opportunity to attend Singapore   Now
                   old self – the entire water system. As the Joint   International Water Week in 2018. It was an
                   Operations Manager at the Joint Operations   eye-opening experience, seeing global leaders   Engineer, Joint Operations Department
                   Centre (JOC), my role is to optimise and   come together to discuss water issues, as well
                   oversee cross-cutting operations at a system   as learning about advanced water technology   From
                   level. Along with my colleagues from the   used abroad. PUB also places emphasis on   Hwa Chong Institution
                   other operation cells in the JOC, I manage and   continual learning. The establishment of
                   oversee all water-related issues in Singapore   the Singapore Water Academy provides a
                   – from pipe leaks and fl oods, to sewer chokes,   platform for her employees to learn more and
                   as well as planning for water supply. Dealing   upgrade one’s skills. There are also chances for
                   with operations also means that work is   internal job rotations, such that employees
                   dynamic and fast-paced, so the work every   can be exposed to different aspects of the
                   day is different. The complexity of our water   water system.
                   system also means that there is always more
                   to learn, keeping me constantly engaged at   Did you always intend to have
                   work. I am very thankful that my colleagues
                   have been very patient in answering my   a study abroad experience and
                   questions, sharing their wealth of experience   what was it like?
                   with me.
                                                      Yes, while I wanted to study locally, I also
                                                      knew that I wanted to have a taste of studying
                   What are the most challenging      abroad. I had the opportunity to take part
                   responsibilities you have and      in a year-long exchange at Imperial College
                   how do you cope with them?         London. This exchange allowed me to “see the
                                                      world” (literally and metaphorically) – to visit
                   Undoubtedly,  the  most  challenging  sites which I learned about from textbooks
                   responsibility of my job is ensuring that   or documentaries, as well as to learn about
                   Singapore will always have good water to   other cultures. Living in a city as cosmopolitan
                   drink and use 24/7, 365 days a year. At the   as London helped me to better appreciate
                   same time, it is necessary to ensure used water   and accept diversity, while strengthening my
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