Page 80 - Scholarship Guide Feb 2020
P. 80


         It may be the easiest way out to avoid   it is acceptable to send an email detailing   comes across too ‘template’ as it again,
         an awkward conversation but give your   your declination.            comes across as insincere.
         would-be (or not) employer the due
         respect of being honest and truthful about   It is not necessary to provide the exact   Retracting your acceptance can be
         backing out of the job offer.      reasons for rejecting the job, so keep   damaging to one’s reputation if handled
                                            your explanation brief. Keep it concise,   badly, and various hiring managers do talk
         Although generally speaking, once a   polite and simple. Throw in a few words   amongst one another, and you’ll never
         job offer has been taken – it is highly   of contrition expressing your apologies at   know who they would be showing your CV
         recommended that you stick to your word,   not being able to proceed with the job. Be   to. The last thing you’ll need is an offended
         but even with valid reasons it would   tactful and inform them about your change   party of the industry bad-mouthing your
         behoove you to inform the hiring manager   of heart without offending them. Do not   profile based on a bad impression following
         as soon as possible to allow them enough   say anything bad about the company, just   you for the rest of your career.
         time to find a replacement candidate.   focus on what has changed for you such
         When a candidate rejects a job offer that   as a better offer to suit your skills or you   With that in mind, be fully aware of the
         was previously accepted, the company has   feel you do not fit in with the culture.   consequences of declining a previous
         lost out on other potential candidates as   Always show appreciation for the offer as   accepted offer. You may face a much
         they may have stopped looking.     the hiring manager did put in the effort in   harder time in getting a job in the same
                                            interviewing and reviewing your profile to   corporation after due to this first misstep.
         Thus, when you inform the hiring manager   begin with.               It may be a difficult situation, but if you
         by phone or in person, the best way to                               are sure – this could be your first step into
         handle the situation is always with grace.   To help you along, it would help to research   getting a better job for you.
         This is only respectful, if you accepted the   email templates on the subject to help you
         offer during a meeting. Avoid informing   let down your employers gently without
         them by text or email as that can be   bruising any egos.  Most of these email
         perceived as rude and insincere, especially   template have formal and polite language,
         if you’ve already agreed to the job face-  feel free to edit them to suit your particular
         to-face. However, if the correspondence   situation and to make the email more
         regarding the matter took place via email,   personalised. It would be bad if the text
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