Page 84 - Scholarship Guide Feb 2020
P. 84

82                                   MARIA ERIKA GLEN GOH GEK LENG

          diverse. With the modules offered, I could tell   did learn more about myself and refl ect  on   How has your NUS experience
          there was strong emphasis on engineering   various experiences that have contributed to   been, and what programmes
          fundamentals which I believe would provide   the person I am today. It made me realise how
          me with very useful experiences and help me   much more personal growth and development   and  activities  have  you
          grow and broaden my scope in this fi eld as   I am capable of.       participated in so far?
          well. Furthermore, biomedical engineering
          has been a rapidly growing  fi eld not only   Why do you think you were   My NUS experience has thus far been
          in Singapore, but even in other parts of   awarded the scholarship, and   extremely fulfi lling. Having participated in
                                                                              Engineering’s Rag and Flag, I have defi nitely
          the world. With various research hubs and
          startup companies being recently launched,   what are the qualities a scholar   met new friends of various backgrounds
          I am certain that I want to contribute to,   should possess?        and shared numerous experiences together,
          and most defi nitely be involved in the BME                          both good and bad, all of which have
          industry in the country.          I believe my passion in pursuing what I love   indubitably made my summer experience an
                                            was what really sets me apart from others. If   unforgettable one. Furthermore, as a member
          Why did you accept the NUS        I have a strong interest in a particular fi eld or   of Engin Club as Camp Project Director for
                                            topic, I know that I will not hesitate to give my
                                                                              2020, I have been fortunate enough to work
          Merit Scholarship?                all and persevere through despite diffi culties   with other engineering students from the
          The offer of the NUS Merit Scholarship   faced. To me, learning is a very key process of   various faculties and hone my leadership
          actually came as a surprise for me. Because   and is integral to achieving personal growth   skills whilst serving the school. A challenge
          of how competitive and prestigious this   and development. With that, I have grown   no doubt, but it is only with these experiences
          scholarship is, I felt immensely humbled to be   a liking towards challenges because I feel   that push me out of my comfort zone that I
          given an offer. I accepted it not only because   that they really push me to become a better   believe would help me grow as a person and
          of the multitude of opportunities one can avail   version of myself and discover new things   better prepare myself for what’s to come in
          (such as a guaranteed place for an overseas   within myself.        the future. I am also a part of NUS Dance
          exchange), but also because I believe it can                        Ensemble and was privileged to perform for
          provide for me a platform for personal growth   To me, a scholar should possess an attitude of   their annual concert entitled ‘The Next Wave:
          and development. Moreover, the community   being ready to learn and ready to give back   Moments’ where we worked with guest
          engagement projects available for NUS   to the greater community. Putting academic   choreographers for a 15-minute-long piece
          Scholars enticed me as well especially since   credentials aside, one should work hard and   and performed in front of an audience. I was
          community service is something I strongly   approach every situation, be it good or bad,   blessed to have been supported by my family
          believe in and enjoy doing - to be of service   with an optimistic outlook. A scholar should   and Engin Raggers. I truly look forward to my
          to the greater community and hopefully   also be proactive and responsible for his/her   next 4 years in NUS!
          make a positive impact on their lives, be it big   own learning, taking ownership of whatever
          or small. Lastly, having a scholarship would   mistakes made as well, and treating them
          lessen the fi nancial burden on my parents and   as milestones and checkpoints, rather than
          encourage fi nancial independence on my end.    weights that will drag him/her down.

          What was the selection process    What are the benefi ts of taking
          like?                             up the NUS Merit Scholarship?
          The entire process was not as frightening   The NUS Merit Scholarship has undoubtedly
          as I thought it would be. To apply for the   provided me with numerous benefi ts  and
          scholarship, one would require a referee to   opportunities, all of which I am very grateful
          support your application, prepare a personal   for. As a scholar, I am guaranteed a placement
          statement that would allow the panel to get   in the Student Exchange Programme, which
          to know you better – aspirations, beliefs, etc.,   I believe is great exposure for us students
          as well as upload supporting documents that   because it provides an insight into cultures
          would support your scholarship application.   and knowledge in other parts of the world,
          Because the NUS Scholarships (comprising   broadening our scope as well. Furthermore,
          of two tiers – NUS Global Merit Scholarship   as an NUS Scholar, I am given the opportunity
          and NUS Merit Scholarship) only required   to participate in community engagement
          one common application, it made the process   projects, to impact the lives of the greater   NUS MERIT SCHOLARSHIP
          extremely straightforward. Subsequently,   community in a meaningful manner. Through   Maria Erika Glen Goh Gek Leng
          there will be an interview, if one is shortlisted.   this, I am privileged to meet new people
          For myself, the interview turned out to be a   and share lifelong experiences with one   Age
          pleasant one with an extremely friendly   another; there is a platform for us to share our   19
          panel. It really was a session for the panel   various perspectives on certain issues which
          to get to know me on a more personal   I feel is extremely meaningful. This not only   Now
          level, and understand why I chose to pursue   encourages us to learn from one another, but   National University of Singapore,
          biomedical engineering. They were very   also helps us to grow as individuals whilst   Biomedical Engineering,
          helpful in explaining to me what to expect,   serving the community.   Year 1
          which defi nitely  solidifi ed my desire to
          study Biomedical Engineering. In preparing                            From
          and applying for this scholarship, I defi nitely                       St. Joseph's Institution
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