Page 87 - Scholarship Guide Feb 2020
P. 87

LIU JIA RUI                                         85

            Why did you choose to pursue       environment could show breadth in world   as NUS Entrepreneurship Society, which
            your course of study at NUS?       view, which was important. I also believe   allows me to network with actual startup
                                                                                 founders, which I fi nd extremely exciting.
                                               that my work and CCA experiences allowed
            I believe NUS offers students a very holistic   me to display my willingness to learn and
            education journey. We have foundational   gain new experiences. This is something
            pillars that give us a breadth of knowledge   I encourage everyone to do, which is to   Furthermore, I also play sports like
            about different fi elds, such as in computing,   step out of your comfort zone and explore   Basketball and Floorball in Tembusu College,
            liberal arts, and statistics. Furthermore,   areas that you seldom venture into, as they   and have represented NUS Business School
            pursuing a double degree in Business   usually provide meaningful experiences   for Contract Bridge and Track and Field in
            Administration and Computer Science   that may strengthen your scholarship   the annual Inter-Faculty Games (an annual
            enables me to communicate effectively with   application.            sporting event across faculties). Overall,
            both software engineers and marketing                                these varied experiences in my fi rst year has
            or business development functions in   I believe a Global Merit Scholar should have a   really challenged me, and also enriched my
            businesses, allowing me to become a better   broad view and understanding of the world.   university life, which I may not fi nd outside
            team player in projects. I am very interested   One does not have to know everything, but   of NUS.
            in management consulting, and having   it is good to be able to exhibit intellectual
            a technical background would aid me in   curiosity and the willingness to challenge
            serving my client’s needs, especially since   ourselves to make the most out of our
            the speed that society is digitalising today   limited time in this world. A scholar should
            calls for technical knowledge in consulting.  also demonstrate leadership ability, and
                                               be capable of handling the responsibilities
            Why did you accept the NUS         that being a scholar of NUS entails, because
            Global Merit Scholarship?          I believe we should be role models who
            Ultimately, this scholarship allowed me to   demonstrate holistic excellence, more than
                                               simply academic excellence.
            pursue my studies in Singapore without
            worrying about fi nancial constraints, which
            I am truly grateful for. The NUS Global Merit   What are the benefi ts of
            Scholarship is bond free, which was suitable   taking up the NUS Global
            for me as I wanted to create my own path
            after university – to make an impact on   Merit Scholarship?
            corporate decisions through management   Besides the monetary benefi ts, it has
            consulting.                        defi nitely opened up new doors for me, as
                                               being a Scholar garners respect from your   NUS GLOBAL MERIT SCHOLARSHIP
            What was the selection             peers, and professional acquaintances.   Liu Jia Rui
                                               Employers do see the scholarship as a
            process like?                      proof of capability and it does give you an   Age
            The process started off with an online   edge over your peers. Also, I am able to   21
            application, where I was required to provide   go for the student exchange programme
            a brief write up of my recent achievements,   (which is guaranteed by the scholarship)   Now
            and   also  a  personal  statement.  and gain global insights, without worrying   National University of Singapore,
            Subsequently, the actual interview I was   much about my fi nances, as the scholarship   Business Administration and Computer Science,
            shortlisted for comprised a panel discussion   provides an overseas stipend as well.  Year 1
            regarding a mock business in the tourism
            industry in need of advice. After analysing   How has your NUS experience   From
            the case, various interviewees each voiced   been, and what programmes   Raffl es Institution
            our opinions and recommendations, and
            the outcome of the scholarship interview   and activities have you
            was dependent primarily on the panel   participated in so far?
            discussion.                        Studying in NUS has been an amazing
                                               experience so far. I got to make new friends
            Why do you think you were          with people of different backgrounds, be it
            awarded the scholarship,           through my course or through my residential
            and what are the qualities a       life on campus. I am currently living on-
                                               campus in Tembusu College (a Residential
            scholar should possess?            College), and would consider myself active,
            Although I was nervous about my chances   having kick-started my own interest group
            during the scholarship interview, I felt   with several friends, and planning for our
            confi dent in my answers as I have been   annual Halloween event. Also, I had the
            constantly reading up on current affairs and   opportunity to join several hackathons and
            knew where to draw ideas from. I believe   case competitions, something I truly enjoy as
            that being able to demonstrate awareness   it tests one’s analytical skills. Additionally, I
            of current affairs beyond your immediate   joined numerous student organisations such
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