Page 88 - Scholarship Guide Feb 2020
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86                                           ARTICLE

         Top Reasons To Join The


                                                                                  Meet like-minded people
                                                                              4 who are passionate about
                                                                              the environmental cause!
                                                                              As a student pursuing a degree in
                                                                              environmental studies, you will be surrounded
                                                                              by coursemates who are passionate about
                                                                              the environmental cause. At NUS, the BES
                                                                              student committee organises various events,
                                                                              such as the International Coastal Cleanup and
          NUS BES Students on an overseas fi eld trip held in Bohol, Philippines  engagement sessions with environmental
          Photo Credits: Evangelista Wan                                      experts, nature photographers as well as BES
                                                                              alumni who are working in environmental
                                                                              organisations. The NUS BES Drongos is a
            Environmental Studies           better educate the public and companies to   nature guiding group that conducts guided
          1 expands your knowledge          make informed decisions on their actions. You   walks for the public at MacRitchie Reservoir
                                            will also gain marketable, relevant skills to
          and broadens your perspective.    contribute to sustainability in Singapore and   Park. Through such guided walks, the
                                                                              public is introduced to the local biodiversity
          Environmental problems are challenges   the region.                 and ecological systems in Singapore. Your
          involving multiple stakeholders. Recognising                        coursemates may also be involved with other
          this, the NUS Bachelor of Environmental   You will be offered       environmental advocacy outside campus, to
          Studies (BES) programme administered by                             which you may be interested in contributing.
          the Department of Biological Sciences and the   3 multiple opportunities to   You will defi nitely be able to learn more from
          Department of Geography combines science   participate in fi eld courses   each other and expand your network in this
          disciplines from a diverse range of areas whilst   overseas and experience   close-knit community.
          helping to nurture students’ passion for the
          environment and conservation. You will get a   nature
          broad base of foundational modules that will   Environmental issues are global and   As an Environmental
          open your eyes to the diverse and complex   interconnected. The NUS BES programme  5 Studies graduate, you
          challenges facing the Earth. You will read a   strives to create regional advocates for the   will be prepared for graduate
          variety of modules offered by the different   environment. Students are encouraged
          departments in NUS, such as environmental   to look outside Singapore and learn more   school and a wide range of
          law, public health, and environmental   about the conservation and management   career opportunities.
          economics. This will enable you to identify,   of the environment and ecosystems in other   Environmental Studies graduates are sought
          analyse and solve environmental challenges   countries. At NUS, students can expect to   after by employers as they are well trained
          effectively.                      gain exposure through overseas fi eld trips to   to think broadly and deeply, and are able to
                                            gain fi rst-hand knowledge of the challenges   identify, analyse and come up with solutions
             Environmental Studies is       and solutions in a developing country setting,   to address environmental issues effectively.
          2 relevant.                       and also engage with local conservationists   Graduates of this course obtain employment
                                            via talks and panel discussions. Through
          People and companies are increasingly aware   such exposure, you will understand how   in a variety of fi elds, including environmental
                                                                              organisations, public administration, private
          of the environmental crisis we are facing   environmental  challenges  affect  local  environmental consulting  fi rms or NGOs.
          and are putting in more effort to be more   communities, how conservation is done on the   Many students also gain experience as
          sustainable in their practices. The United   ground and the various geographical, political   researchers attached to universities, or
          Nations has developed the Sustainable   and socioeconomic factors that infl uence the   enter graduate school to pursue research or
          Development Goals, and governments around   success of conservation initiatives.  academia as a career.
          the world are drafting tighter environmental
          laws and regulations. Being an Environmental
          Studies student, you will be well informed
          and knowledgeable about environmental
          and sustainability issues and will be able to

          NUS offers the Bachelor of Environmental Studies (BES) as a 4-year direct Honours degree programme, with a specialisation in Environmental
          Biology or Environmental Geography. More information can be found at
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