Page 89 - Scholarship Guide Feb 2020
P. 89


     Environmental Stream


            EESS students on their Bali Field Trip.
               Interdisciplinary focus and        Culture and community          and private sector positions, or to pursue
            1 applications                     3 The environmental stream brings   graduate programmes. Graduates will
                                                                                 be able to pursue career opportunities in
            Environmental  knowledge  is  relevant  together people from diverse academic fi elds   environmental or geotechnical consulting,
            everywhere. At ASE*, we are an     and from different parts of the world, all with   conservation, environmental policy and
            interdisciplinary school that integrates earth   similar passion and values. The wide range   planning, sustainability, teaching, research
            and environmental life science, ecology,   of personal backgrounds and perspectives   and so much more. At ASE, students are
            engineering and technology, human ecology,   that people bring makes it a welcoming and   prepared for their next steps after graduation
            humanities, and the social sciences to   exciting community. This community will go   and educated on the various career paths
            address key issues of the environment and   far beyond the classrooms and continue long   available.
            sustainability. Such knowledge can be applied   after graduation.
            in almost every  fi eld such as geotechnical
            engineering, natural resource exploration,   Relevant and useful         An urgent need for
            urban planning and even the fi nancial sector.                        6 environmental graduates
                                               4 In the last decade, attitudes across   Humans have caused or infl uenced  various
                Field courses                  the world towards the environment have   climate and environmental problems, and we
                                               shifted. Where once there was a lack of
            2 Work in the  fi eld is a key part of   education, inattention and disbelief about the   need to act boldly and swiftly to solve them
            studies in the environmental stream. While   world’s environmental problems, now there   if we are to ensure the safety of our planet
            many students who study Environmental   is a growing understanding of the causes of   for future generations. Having a society that
            Earth Systems Science may not pursue fi eld   environmental problems and their potential   is well informed about the environment will
            based careers, our belief is that fi eld studies   solutions. Knowing about the environmental   make a big difference in overcoming the
            provide an understanding of the Earth and   processes and the earth systems will allow   deterioration of our natural world.
            environment that cannot be gained from   environmental students to better contribute
            classroom studies alone. Studies in the fi eld   to our changing society and make important
            give students the opportunity to connect   decisions that could shape the future.
            concepts they have learned in the classroom
            with the real world, to learn the cutting-edge   Career options
            techniques used in scientifi c research, and to
            engage with the world around them. Field  5 Having a degree in Environmental
            studies also offer a unique opportunity to   Earth Systems Science will open up various
            connect with faculty and fellow students in a   pathways and opportunities. Students will
            collaborative and fun environment.  be prepared with diverse skill-sets and
                                               knowledge to fi ll a wide array of both public

            * Asian School of the Environment, Nanyang Technological University
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