Page 41 - Scholarship Guide Aug 2019
P. 41

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                                              SAF MERIT


                                                LEADING BY EXAMPLE

        Receiving the Edusave Scholarship during her   She recounts fondly her previous tours where   MAJ Lee Ying Na Vivien
        secondary school years was a blessing that   she was tasked to train full-time National   2008 SAF Merit Scholar
        Major (MAJ) Vivien Lee reminded herself to   Servicemen (NSFs) into operationally-ready
                                                                                     Staff Officer
        never take for granted, and she vowed to pay it   soldiers and instil in them a sense of belonging
                                                                                     Joint Operations Department
        forward by contributing back to the Public   despite being away from home. It is her hope
        Service. Her calling to defend her family and loved   that some of them have been inspired enough
                                                                                     Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Science, The
        ones was the impetus behind her eventual   to become a better person for their families and
                                                                                     University of Sheffield, UK
        decision to join the Singapore Armed Forces   society.
        (SAF).                                                                       Master of Arts in Science and Security,
                                               Additionally, MAJ Lee embraces the other “soft”,   King’s College London, UK
        This “untraditional path” – as MAJ Lee herself   but equally important roles that have shaped
        describes it – began with the opportunity to   her positive experience in the SAF. Coach,
        further her studies overseas with the SAF Merit   mentor, confidante, friend: these roles enable
        Scholarship. As eye-opening as the experience   her to flourish, and despite her immersion in a
        was, it also helped her to appreciate her family   male-dominated environment, never has she felt
        more, and the comfort and security people have   discriminated against.
        in Singapore.
                                               MAJ Lee credits the SAF for giving her the
        Since completing her studies in 2012, MAJ Lee’s   opportunity to maximise her potential, saying,
        tenure in the SAF continues to fulfil her personal   “through it all, I have learnt that I can do more
        and professional aspirations. Currently, she is a   than I ever thought possible!”
        Staff Officer in the Joint Operations
        Department, a role she enjoys for the many   For aspiring scholars keen to pursue a career in
        challenges it continues to present. While she   the SAF, MAJ Lee is all encouragement. “Give it a
        readily admits that her appointment includes   try!” she says. “You will be given the opportunity
        classified information, she explains that her role   to serve in various departments and units to
        involves the enhancement of the SAF’s   acquire a breadth of knowledge and holistic
        operations in dealing with hybrid warfare and   understanding of the organisation.”
        She is also responsible for developing doctrine
        that helps to shape the current and future
        operational landscape. “I need to think beyond
        today’s construct and envision a better
        tomorrow where we can run the SAF more
        efficiently, and in a more cost-effective way,”
        MAJ Lee shares.

        Throughout her day-to-day staff interactions,
        MAJ Lee is an advocate of constant connection
        with ground personnel, whom she feels a
        certain responsibility for. “Being able to connect
        to the people contributes to effective and
        enduring leadership,” MAJ Lee says.
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