Page 43 - Scholarship Guide Aug 2019
P. 43

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                                        DEFENCE MERIT


                                          RISING TO THE CHALLENGE

           Kimberley is hyped by a personal set of 5 Cs in   diplomacy is the cornerstone of MINDEF’s   Ng Hui Ying Kimberley
           her work environs, namely: Challenges,  defence policies. “In my current and future roles,   2012 Defence Merit Scholar
           Creativity, Critical thinking, Curiosity and   I hope to be able to contribute fresh
           Change. Plus, her current role adds another C to   perspectives while accumulating experience to   Senior Manager (Comms Strategy)
                                                                                    MINDEF Communications Organisation
           the mix – Communications.            provide better insights in developing defence
                                                policies,” she adds.
                                                                                    Bachelor of Arts in International Politics, King’s
           As Senior Manager (Comms Strategy) in the
                                                                                    College London, UK
           MINDEF Communications Organisation,   Her message to aspiring scholars who may
           Kimberley develops strategies that drive   someday walk in her footsteps resonates with her
           MINDEF’s communications approaches. “This   own enduring enthusiasm to constantly
           involves understanding public concerns and   challenge herself. “To tackle future defence
           public sentiment as well as how best MINDEF’s   challenges, the next generation of MINDEF
           messages can resonate with the public. Every   scholars will have to bring a sense of curiosity and
           day brings new challenges and opportunities as   openness to new ideas to keep up with the
           the media cycle moves rapidly, especially in the   constantly evolving spectrum of threats and
           age of social media,” she elaborates.  issues that defence will face.
           On the professional level, Kimberley’s   “Be true to yourself and reflect deeply on what
           advancement as a Defence Merit Scholar is   you want out of your career,” Kimberley advises.
           equally fast-paced. She has the opportunity to   “There are many ways in which you can
           rotate across different MINDEF departments to   contribute to Singapore: evaluate where your
           better understand the scope of MINDEF’s   aptitude and interests will be best placed for you
           policies, which equips her with a broader   to do so. Once decided, go for it!”
           perspective. Prior to her current appointment, she
           served a stint in the Defence Cyber
           Organisation, where she developed policies that
           drive MINDEF’s engagement of cyber defence

           She was also assigned a mentor who provided
           career advice and, as an additional means of
           exposure, given opportunities to embark on
           projects beyond her regular job scope. “In
           MINDEF, even junior officers are empowered to
           work on key defence policies,” she says, alluding
           to the opportunities that young scholars are
           presented with during their careers.
           Kimberley hopes to contribute in the area of
           Defence Policy in the future as she feels that
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