Page 42 - Scholarship Guide Aug 2019
P. 42

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                                               SAF ACADEMIC


                                                CHANGE IS A POWERFUL CONSTANT

         CPT Ramakrishnan S/O Jagadesh         CPT Ramakrishnan S/O Jagadesh takes   Today, CPT Ramakrishnan is the project team
         2013 SAF Academic Scholar             Singapore’s peace and stability very seriously.  lead for iADOC Launchpad – an initiative by the
                                                                                     RSAF to leverage technology and drive
         Staff Officer
                                               “Having been born and bred in Singapore, I   innovation.
         203 Squadron
                                               have reaped the benefits of living in a peaceful
                                               Singapore. I hope that future generations can   “Everyone involved has a unique role to play in
         Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Actuarial Science
                                               have similar or even better living standards.   this shared responsibility, where every
         and Mathematics,                      Contributing to this cause through my work in   individual element in the system needs to be
         University of Manchester, UK          the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) is very   cooperative and work together. In this regard,
         Master of Science in Risk Management
                                               rewarding to me,” he shares.          I think that the professionalism exhibited by
         and Financial Engineering,                                                  every soldier, sailor and airman in the SAF is
         Imperial College London, UK
                                               There are many factors that cemented CPT   incredible. The willingness by every individual to
                                               Ramakrishnan’s commitment to the Public  contribute to the mission, along with the
                                               Service. Not least of which was his time spent in   discipline they uphold, set a standard which is
                                               the UK studying for his bachelor’s degree at   unparalleled by any other organisation.”
                                               University of Manchester, and master’s degree
                                               at Imperial College London.           To the new talents who will champion new
                                                                                     chapters for the SAF, CPT Ramakrishnan’s advice
                                               “My education in the UK exposed me to an   is to be open to the opportunities offered and
                                               environment that is different from what we   make the most of them.
                                               have in Singapore,” he explains. “Through this
                                               experience, I came to understand the crucial   “Approach projects with an open mind and put
                                               role the SAF plays in Singapore’s society, not   your best foot forward. Share your ideas and
                                               only in ensuring peace and security, but also in   perspectives openly and without hesitation –
                                               contributing to other aspects of nation-building   many of them could very well be highly
                                               and our standing in the international stage.”  beneficial to the SAF and hence, Singapore.”

                                               Since his return to the Republic of Singapore Air
                                               Force (RSAF), CPT Ramakrishnan has had
                                               opportunities to build on Singapore’s defence
                                               capabilities. Military officers are entrusted to
                                               take on multiple tasks concurrently, each of
                                               which calls for different skill sets and areas of
                                               focus. He admits that while such dynamic career
                                               experiences mean a steep learning curve, the
                                               process becomes smoother as you take on and
                                               push through these challenges. The key is to
                                               stay motivated.
                                               “Every responsibility handed to me is an
                                               opportunity to develop myself. I value how
                                               these tasks contribute to Singapore’s defence and
                                               nation-building, which motivates me to carry
                                               out my duties to the best of my abilities.”
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