Page 33 - Scholarship Guide Feb 2019
P. 33


              and scary to make new friends from a wholly differ-
              ent culture and country, putting yourself out there can
              build rewarding lifelong connections. You never know,
              you could meet someone who might become a future
              business partner! Breaking out of your comfort zone
              and meeting people from different backgrounds - be it
              locals or other international students from a different
              culture - also sharpens your cross-cultural communi-
              cation skills, which will definitely come handy in both
              the workplace and your social life.
                 So how do you diversify your social circle while
              studying  abroad?  Join  an  extracurricular  club  that
              interests you, take part in some of the many fun ac-
              tivities around campus or your dorm community, ask
              some classmates to lunch or to study together… there
              are so many ways to make friends with the students
              around you!

                 LEARN A NEW LANGUAGE                   handling finances in a future job. Your study abroad
              If the host country’s native language is not English nor   experience is a great opportunity to develop your fi-
              your mother tongue, take the chance to learn their lan-  nancial decision-making skills early. You’re going to
              guage! Take up classes in the local language and try   be more independent than you’ve probably ever been
              to converse with the locals in their native language.   before, and it’s up to you to figure out your meals, get
              Many of the popular study abroad destinations are   the daily essentials, and pay for all your transport and
              global cities and multicultural, so even if their native   travel. Lots of countries, especially those outside of
              language  is  one  you’re  already  fluent  in,  you’re  still    Southeast Asia, are more expensive than Singapore.
              at a great place to pick up a widely spoken language   However much you receive from your parents or
              or dialect.                               your scholarship, and however much you may earn
                 More and more companies these days are inter-  from working while studying, make a plan to manage
              ested in your fluency of a third language apart from   your spending.
              English. Some companies view it as a bonus that
              gives you an edge over other candidates, while some   RECORD YOUR EXPERIENCES
              even ask for a specific language (often Japanese and   IN A JOURNAL OR BLOG
              Korean) as part of the job requirements! Ultimately,   You participated in a unique campus activity, or had
              knowing a third language will be useful for expand-  an eye-opening conversation with another student,
              ing your network across different cultures, and espe-  but what if you can recall your experiences well
              cially if you choose to work in the host country after    enough  for  your  resume  or  job  interview?  Record
              you graduate.                             your memories and don’t risk losing them over time
                                                        - try to keep a journal or blog while you’re studying
                 MAKE A BUDGET PLAN AND STICK TO IT     abroad. Jotting down the day’s events is also how you
              You can’t have a successful career if you’re going to   can reflect on what you learned or accomplished, an
              spend your hard-earned money wildly and without   early preparation for how you might share your study
              thought. Learning to manage money  wisely is im-  abroad experiences with an employer or someone in
              portant for any adult’s future, especially if you will be   your business network.
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