Page 35 - Scholarship Guide Feb 2019
P. 35
WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF For example, people in Nepal tend to be family-fo-
CROSS-CULTURAL COMMUNICATION cused, relaxed and have a collectivist mindset. While
IN THE WORKPLACE? volunteering on community development projects in
An employee with strong cross-cultural communica- the country, you’ll need to keep these cultural traits in
tion skills can help a business avoid potentially em- mind. It will make it easier for you to implement a new
barrassing situations. A misunderstood message or idea, get approval for a project and see results.
culturally offensive comment or gesture can ruin rela- By choosing a volunteering project that focuses
tionships with investors, employees, and customers. on cross-cultural communication, you’ll learn:
Here are some of the benefits of a cross-cultural • How different cultures approach sensitive topics
workforce: • How to navigate a work environment with people
Creativity and innovation: Our culture influences from different backgrounds, beliefs, and cultures
the way we interact with the world. By having a variety • How to improve your leadership skills by learning
of viewpoints, teams can gain new perspectives that what motivates people from different cultures
will give them a competitive advantage. • How different cultures approach manners,
In a recent study published by Forbes, it found etiquette, women’s rights and more
that the best way to ensure continuous development • How to address cultural differences and how to
of new ideas is through an inclusive and diverse leverage differences to meet your volunteering
workplace. project’s goal.
Local market knowledge: When a business ex-
pands into a new country, it’s product or service HOW LANGUAGE IMMERSION PROJECTS
needs to adapt. By having an understanding of local WILL DEVELOP YOUR CROSS-CULTURAL
laws, regulations, and customs as well as native lan- COMMUNICATION SKILLS
guage skills and the cultural nuisances, the business Language and culture are strongly interlinked. By
will thrive. learning another language, you’ll get an insight into
Cultural sensitivity: By learning about another another culture.
culture, you can help a business avoid any marketing It can be as simple as understanding a joke, a cul-
fouls. For example, a print ad in South Africa might be tural reference or using the local slang.
considered clever locally, but could be confusing to On the other hand, in learning another language
foreign audiences. you can gain a new perspective on your own culture.
Personal and professional growth: By working By volunteering to teach English abroad, you’ll fa-
across cultures, you can have an enriching experi- cilitate meaningful cultural exchange and learn how
ence. It will teach you how to bond over similarities other people view you.
and differences, and help you become a global citi- You’ll also develop cross-cultural friendships and
zen. It will broaden your horizons, avoid an ethnocen- deeper connections. When you make friends with
tric worldview and leave any prejudices or stereo- someone from a different background, you can learn
types behind. about each other’s cultures on a much deeper level.
Your colleagues from other cultures can expose You’ll get introduced to traditional foods or take
you to new skills and ways to work. You’ll also develop part in unfamiliar traditions. While some practices
an international network which can take your career might seem strange at first, it will force you to get out-
to exciting directions beyond your hometown or side of your comfort zone and see what daily life is like
country of birth. for other people around the world.
All these experiences add extra layers to
HOW VOLUNTEERING ABROAD CAN understanding what makes a person from another
So how do people develop cross-cultural communi- LEARN A NEW LANGUAGE AND
cation skills? By working with people from different TRAVEL THE WORLD
backgrounds. Improve your cross-cultural communication skills
The only catch is that not all of us are exposed to with one of GVI’s language immersion programs.
other cultures before we enter the workplace. You’ll get to travel to destinations around the
One of the best ways to develop this skill before world, work on sustainable volunteering projects and
you land your first job is through volunteering. learn to speak the local language.
Volunteering abroad helps you understand the Whether you’re volunteering on community
cultural differences in a community. Learning the nu- development projects or teaching in a school,
ances between your culture and theirs will help you you’ll have the opportunity to immerse yourself in the The above article is written
make a genuine impact and improve communication local culture. by Lauren Melnick for Global
with the project partners on the ground. Vision International.