Page 34 - Scholarship Guide Feb 2019
P. 34

32                                                ARTICLE

          Cross-Cultural                                                    Cross-cultural communication is challenging. Each
                                                                            culture has its own set of rules, and we all carry a col-
                                                                            lection of cultural biases when we interact with people.
                                                                              and Thailand strong emotional reactions like shouting
                                                                               For example, in countries like Japan, Indonesia
          Communication:                                                    or walking out of the room is frowned upon. Whereas
                                                                            in countries like Italy, France, and the United States
                                                                            it’s more acceptable.
          Why You Should                                                    increases, cross-cultural skills are on the rise. The

                                                                               As the need for multinational communication
                                                                            global workforce is rising, more people are traveling
                                                                            than ever before. Following that, the risk of offending
          Volunteer Abroad                                                  greater than ever before.
                                                                            someone through a lack of cultural understanding is

                                                                               WHAT IS CROSS-CULTURAL
                                                                            Cross-cultural communication is the process of un-
                                                                            derstanding the differences in how people communi-
                                                                            cate. From non-verbal gestures to the use of language
                                                                            and even physical space, these all play a part in how
                                                                            well a message is received across different cultures.

                                                                               WHY ARE CROSS-CULTURAL
          By Lauren Melnick                                                    COMMUNICATION SKILLS IMPORTANT?
                                                                            We live in an increasingly globalized world. Since the
                                                                            rise of the internet and air travel, we are no longer only
                                                                            communicating with only people in our cities or coun-
                                                                            tries. As a result, being able to communicate across
                                                                            cultural barriers successfully has become a valuable
                                                                            life skill.
                                                                               Not only can it enrich your experiences when you
                                                                            travel abroad, but businesses with an international
                                                                            reach are listing it as a requirement on their job posts.
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