Page 101 - Scholarship Guide Feb 2020
P. 101

TABLE OF SCHOLARSHIPS                                      99

                                 Civil Aviation   Civil Aviation   DesignSingapore   Early Childhood   Economic   Energy Market   Enterprise Singapore  Government of
          Company /              Authority of   Authority of   Council  Development Agency Development Board  Authority  Singapore Investment
          Organisations          Singapore  Singapore                                           Enterprise   Corp Pte Ltd
          Scholarship                               DesignSingapore   ECDA   EDB Scholarship  The EMA   Singapore
          Website               CAAS Overseas   CAAS Local   Scholarship  Training Award   Scholarship  Global Executive   GIC Scholarship
                                Undergraduate   Undergraduate   (University)  (Full-Term)  Scholarship:   Programmes
                                 Scholarship  Scholarship                 Undergraduate
                                                            (Local & Overseas)  content/gsp/

           Any Discipline           *9         *10
        Disciplines   & Courses  Preferred Disciplines  Arch, Biz Innovation  Early Childhood   Law, Med, Dent,  Eng (Elec, Mech) Econ  Dent, Pharm, Law,   Maths & Liberal Arts
                                                                                               Most except Med,
                                                                           Most except
                                                                                                          Acc, Econ, Eng, Sc,
                                                      Design Mgt,
                                                      Visual Comm,          Pharm               Arch & Nursing
                                                    design-related courses
           NUS, NTU                           SUSS                SUSS
        Tenable Universities  & Institutions  Polytechnics / Institutions
           SMU, SUTD, SIT
           Renowned Overseas Universities
           SpeciǠ c Countries
                                                                             UK US Chi
                                                                            Fra Ger Jap
           No Bond
        Bond  Bond for Local Studies (yrs)    4         2 to 3    1 to 4                4         2 - 5       3
           Bond for Overseas Studies (yrs)  6          3 to 5              6, 5 for NESC  6      6, NESC - 5  5, NESC - 4
           Lump Sum ($)
           Tuition Fees
           Exam Fees
           Hostel Fees
           Monthly Allowance ($)                                  800
           Yearly Allowance ($)
        BeneǠ  ts and value of awards  Salary
           One-Time Return Airfare (osea)
           Other Return Airfare (osea)
           Settling Allowance (osea)
           Excess Baggage (osea)
           Clothing Allowance (osea)
           Medical Insurance (osea)
           Book Allowance ($)                                                (annual)
           Computer Loan / Grant ($)
           Attachment During Vacation
           Others                 OEP        OEP     4-wk internship  Grant $1.05K  OEP  OEP      OEP       internship
           Singapore Citizen
           Singapore PR
           Other Citizens                                                    Asean
           Excellent ‘A’ Level/IB/NUS High                                 10 au / 38 pts        10au or 40pts   10au or 11au
           Excellent ‘O’ Level                                               Merit                Merit
        Requirements & Conditions  Excellent CCA
           Poly Dip Holders May Apply
           Proven Leadership
           Undergrads May Apply
           Completed NS (Male)
           Others                                              Relevant diploma   Received any of the   Foreign language   Possess strong critical
                                                               in early childhood   above results not   competency  thinking & creativity
                                                                 education  more than 2 yrs back

           *9 *10
              Except Med & Dent. Scholars may pursue a Law degree but will not be employed as practising lawyers during
              their service with CAAS
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