Page 99 - Scholarship Guide Feb 2020
P. 99

STARTING SALARIES OF LOCAL GRADUATES                                97

         Degree                                                Course Duration  Conducted By  Number of   Proportion   Median Gross
                                                               (Years)              Graduates   Employed (%) 2  Monthly Starting
                                                                                    Employed 1            Salary ($) 3

          Bachelor of Engineering (Engineering Product Development)       SUTD       82        86.3       3,700
          Bachelor of Engineering (Information Systems Technology and Design)      SUTD   70   93.3       4,400
          The Glasgow School of Art
          Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Communication Design           SIT        37        68.5       2,700
          Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Interior Design                SIT        34        87.2       2,700
          Newcastle University
          Bachelor of Engineering in Chemical Engineering (Honours)       SIT        41        62.1       3,255
          Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical Power Engineering (Honours)      SIT   48      88.9       3,200
          Bachelor of Science with Honours in Food & Human Nutrition      SIT        34        79.1       2,700
          Technical University of Munich
          Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering                     SIT        43        74.1       3,200
          Trinity College Dublin
          Bachelor in Science (Occupational Therapy)                      SIT        33        97.1       3,300
          Bachelor in Science (Physiotherapy)                             SIT        61        96.8       3,400
          University of Glasgow
          Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical Design Engineering (Honours)      SIT   51     87.9       3,200
          Bachelor Of Engineering In Mechatronics (Honours)               SIT        64        86.5       3,400
          Bachelor of Science in Computing Science (Honours)              SIT        61        85.9       3,600
          University of London
          Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Criminology and Security       SIT        41        69.5       3,800
          University of Manchester
          Bachelor of Science in Nursing Practice (Honours)               SIT        55        96.5       3,650
          Wheelock College
          Bachelor of Science in Early Childhood Education                SIT        52        92.9       2,900

          Notes to Starting Salaries of Local Graduates (pages 96 to 97)
          1    Number of Graduates Employed refers to those who responded to the survey and indicated   3   Gross Monthly Starting Salary comprises the basic salary, Ǡ xed allowances, overtime pay
               they were employed on a full-time permanent basis as at the following dates:  and commissions. Bonuses are excluded.
               NUS, NTU, SMU  : 1 Nov 2018                     4    Data on law and medical, pharmacy and architecture graduates were not reǡ ected as a
               SUTD     : 19 Feb 2019                               signiǠ cant number of them were still doing practical law course/ reading in chambers or
               SIT      : 1 Mar 2018                                under pupillage or serving housemanship.
          2    Proportion Employed refers to the full-time permanently employed as a proportion of
               graduates who have entered the labour market, approximately 6 months after completing
               their Ǡ nal examinations.
   94   95   96   97   98   99   100   101   102   103   104