Page 39 - Scholarship Guide Feb 2020
P. 39


                “I joined MND as a fresh   “I fi rst decided to become a   “I fi nd myself asking these   “I create and curate landscapes
                graduate, starting my career in   mechanical engineer because I   questions – what opportunities   in the Singapore Botanic
                the Human Resource Section   was inspired by Tony Stark, the   and implications does our   Gardens, the fi rst and only
                before being rotated to the   mechanic and genius engineer   ageing population present?   tropical botanic garden on the
                Housing Division under MND’s   behind Marvel’s Ironman. I   Can redevelopment refresh   UNESCO’s  World Heritage List.
                job rotation framework. In   was fascinated by the process   mature spaces and create a   This involves understanding
                my current role in HDB, I   of designing and conceiving   sense of place? How can we   the native habitats of plants and
                assist residents in matters   ideas, and being able to apply   meet the needs of our changing   providing them with suitable
                such as lease administration   my knowledge to bring these   demographics? I feel that these   environmental conditions to
                and housing fi nance.  These   ideas to life. My Scholarship   questions are both meaningful   thrive in the Gardens.  Having
                stints have given me a better   has allowed me to be involved   and exciting, and are begging   a love for both people and
                appreciation of our role in   in making Singapore’s built   to be answered.  This is why I   plants, it brings me much joy
                developing Singapore; and   environment more sustainable,   applied for the HDB scholarship   to create these landscapes and
                knowing that I can improve   liveable and effi  cient!”  to pursue Architecture at NUS.”  then share with visitors about
                the lives of residents keeps me                                               the rare and exquisite plants we
                                          WANG HAIYUN               KOH JIE ZHI
                going!”                                                                       have conserved.”
                                          Executive Engineer        Architect
                                          Policy & Rules Department, BCA   Development and Procurement
                JASMINE NEO                                         Group, HDB                LIM SIU ANN
                Principal Estate Manager                                                      Manager, National Orchid Gardens,
                HDB (on secondment from MND)                                                  Singapore Botanic Gardens

                                                          Join the

                                                     MND Family

                                                         and have

                “Planning  work   requires                                                    “The Scholarship has provided
                an     appreciation  and                 a hand in                            me with a platform to acquire
                understanding of both the big                                                 knowledge at a broader, cross-
                picture and the fi ner  details.                                              cultural level, and to be exposed
                My Urban Studies course at                shaping                             to the international standards
                the University of Pennsylvania                                                that I should aspire towards. It
                exposed me to a myriad                                                        has made me a more confi dent
                of urban issues that many              Singapore                              horticulturist and encouraged
                Singaporeans may take for                                                     me to always continue learning
                granted, and honed my ability                                                 and honing my skills.“
                to look at issues from a holistic        today for
                perspective.   This has proven                                                IRENE CHONG
                                                                                              Manager, Garden Operations
                useful in my current work that                                                Gardens by the Bay
                involves long-term planning,           tomorrow!
                where issues are more complex
                and challenging.“
                TIMOTHY CHOW
                Executive Planner
                Development Control, West 2, URA

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