Page 44 - Scholarship Guide Feb 2020
P. 44

42                                     RACHEL LIU YUNYANN

          Have your views/expectations      – and then putting the policy structures in   for any student exchange
          changed once you stepped out      place to help us get there.       programmes? What was it like?
          into the working world?           What are the most demanding       I spent a semester in Rome studying
          Yes, school and work are very different   responsibilities you have and   architectural history, in a programme organized
          places. The internship with MND’s Strategic                         by my college. It was wonderful to discover the
          Planning Division in my last summer of   how do you cope with them?  layers of architecture, art and planning history
          college helped me to contextualise a lot of   The challenge of my role lies in shaping   in Rome, with the city itself as a classroom –
          the things I had learnt at school. For example,   policy within real constraints and competing   juxtaposed with contemporary Italian society
          the role of public, private and civic actors in   interests. You have to make sense of complex   facing issues such as ageing and immigration,
          developing and delivering urban solutions   circumstances, tease out your objectives,   which are challenges very real and relevant to
          is quite different overseas, where there are   and balance the key considerations in order   Singapore and many other cities globally.
          more layers of government (e.g. municipal,   to make your recommendation, taking into
          state and federal) and more land is privately   perspective the ‘bigger picture’ of shaping   I also spent part of a summer studying
          owned. Private and civic actors tend to play   Singapore to be a distinctive global city with   conservation biology and  fi eld ecology in
          a bigger role. This is the context I was more   a high quality living environment. It can be   Brazil’s Atlantic Forest, outside of São Paulo.
          familiar with in my experiences at school. In   demanding to manage both issues as well as   The experience really shifted my perception of
          Singapore, by contrast, the government plays   stakeholders, but often when you look back   the potential of natural spaces in Singapore to
          a bigger role in shaping the urban landscape,   at the results and what have been achieved,   offer value for both conservation and people.
          in partnership with the private sector and   the effort is worth it. I continue to fi nd new
          community.                        challenges and things to learn through the   I would highly recommend study abroad
                                            issues I handle. My colleagues and bosses   experiences because there is always value
          Each category of actors perceives urban   help me out a lot.        in applying a comparative lens to issues you
          issues and solutions differently. Over the                          study vis-à-vis real-world application, both in
          past year and a half in MND, I have become   How have you been able to   Singapore and in other cities and countries, to
          more familiar with how issues are viewed   use what you learned in school   see how different cities cope with challenges
          from the lens of a policymaker. You have                            that can be similar.
          a responsibility to consider widely the   for your job?
          implications of any issue, and to balance   Singapore is a unique place for land use
          competing interests. You also work with a   planning and policy in so many ways, not
          specifi c set of tools, such as legislation.  least of which is the degree of control that
                                            the Government has over development,
          How are you enjoying your         so our approaches and solutions may be
          time at the organisation?         different from that of other cities and
                                            countries. My education has taught me
          I have enjoyed working at MND. Particularly,   process, context,  and critical thinking, and
          the Strategic Planning Division, which I’m in,   these have been relevant to helping me
          has a strong team culture and handles issues   fi nd the best strategies for planning for
          that are very meaningful to me. For example,   Singapore’s future growth.
          I was involved in URA’s Draft Master Plan
          last year, which was a huge multi-year
          effort on their part to review the island-  What kinds of career and
          wide development plan for Singapore and   personal development
          conduct public engagement. It was satisfying   opportunities does the
          to see the full plans exhibited, and the many
          Singaporeans who came through to look at   organization provide its
          the plans and provide thoughtful feedback.   scholars?
          I appreciate that my work bears relevance   The path for scholars is quite  fl exible  and   MND EDGE Scholarship
          to the experience of places and people you   you can shape your career path according to   Rachel Liu Yunyann
          come across everyday – everyone has a stake   your own background and inclinations. My
          in our built environment.         bosses and peers have been encouraging me   Age
                                            to take courses that are both practical (such   25
          What issues do you handle?        as working on legislation) and interest-based
          I work on a range of portfolios, handling   (such as a course on the use of data analytics   Attained
                                                                                Bachelor of Science with Honors Urban
                                            in planning).
          policy on matters relating to land use. My job                        and Regional Studies
          is a balance of regulation and aspiration. Part
          of my work is to ensure that land and space   We understand you did   Now
          in Singapore are managed in accordance   your undergraduate studies   Manager, Strategic Planning Division
          with the Government’s plans in a fair and
          consistent manner. Another part of my work   in Cornell University in   From
          is more aspirational – helping to set the   Ithaca, New York. Did you   College of Architecture, Art and Planning
          direction for Singapore’s growth in the hard   venture further outward   at Cornell University
          and soft aspects for the next 10, 20, 50 years
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